Chapter 44

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Bones entered through the side door of the kitchen as if he had lived in the Webster's house for years

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Bones entered through the side door of the kitchen as if he had lived in the Webster's house for years.

"Sorry I'm late," he greeted everyone. "I ran into some...unexpected delays."

Jackson grabbed the grocery bags from him and began unloading the Jell-O.

"Where's Danny?" Heather asked. "You were supposed to drive him here."

"Yeah," Bones rubbed the back of his head. His hair was slicked back, just how Nadine liked it. "He's not coming."

"What do you mean he's not coming?" Heather questioned further. "He's the godfather."

"I'm not sure if he's up for the job anymore," Bones wavered.

"Why not?" It was Evan who was asking, leaning against the dishwasher.

Bones exhaled. "I went to his house," he explained. "He hasn't been home in weeks. His parents told me he dropped out of school. He's been hanging out with Tony. I don't even know who he is anymore."

"That's unfortunate," Heather deadpanned, only caring about Nadine's big day. "We can talk about it after the party. For now, we're telling Nadine he has the flu. I'll send her a fake card later. Bones, you can forage his name." She had a schedule to maintain.

"I don't—"

"IT'S TIME FOR PRESENTS!" Heather announced, clapping twice.

The stack of presents was small. There was only one big box—from Auntie Bev and nana. It was probably a crib. The other packages were modestly sized. Heather had rewrapped all of them to be aesthetically cohesive and arranged them in a precise pyramid. She ushered everyone into the living room, where they all gather around the pretty pile.

Nadine opened Chris's present first. He had given the baby an X-Men bib.

"Gender versatility," Chris noted. "You can't go wrong with super heroes." Heather nodded in agreement.

The gifting-giving continued and Nadine smiled and thanked everyone when prompted. Evan had bought a few animal-themed books, but he put Jackson's name on them too. Heather picked out an array of clothing options—in different colors, sizes, and textures. Bones sat by Nadine's side, whispering things that made her giggle whenever she looked bored.

"This one is from me," Mr. Webster spoke, handing her a flat box wrapped in brown paper.

Nadine smiled, unwrapping. The paper was new, but the box was old and flimsy. She undid the twine, carefully revealing a bright orange sweater. It was thickly knitted with one word stitched on the sleeve.


"Clemson," Nadine read. "Clemson College? Was this—?"

"Your mother's." Mr. Webster nodded. "She was wearing that the day I met her. I thought you could make it into a good-quality blanket. God knows it'd be better suited for a baby than a dusty attic."

Nadine's smile was faint.

"They named a college after Clem Burke?" Bones wondered, confused as to why a school would share a name with a famous drummer. Although his question was ridiculous, it gave Nadine an idea.

Chris was next to Bones when he added, "That was the most dad-like thing you've ever said. I'm so proud." He hugged the scary boy instinctively.

"Off," Bones boomed. Chris immediately retracted his arms.

Evan stood slumped against the living room doorframe, watching his sister smile as she continued to open her gifts. No smile lines, though. Not like Danny's smirk. Evan missed that. The party didn't feel complete without him.

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