Chapter 34

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The roller rink strobed with every color of the rainbow

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The roller rink strobed with every color of the rainbow. There were couples, groups, and single skaters going around and around the hardwood enclosure, moving to a techno beat. Over the loud music, Evan could hear the scrapes and swooshes of rollerblades hitting the pine flooring as he helped Nadine untie her shoes.

"Put the pillow away, Ben," Nadine demanded.

"It's protective gear," Bones argued, holding up a full-size pillow. "What happens if you fall?"

Evan pulled off his sister's shoe and stood, catching a glimpse of Danny walking through the front door.

"I'm not duct-taping a pillow to my stomach," Nadine stated.

"Then I'm not letting you go into the rink," Bones said.

"Let me?" Nadine questioned, standing with a protruding belly and raging hormones. Five months of growing a child had some serious effects on the body. "You won't let me? Since when are you my overlord?"

Danny had come alone, probably searching for Bones. He was still missing his leather jacket, but Evan knew who had it. The dark-haired boy didn't seem guilty as he tipped his head toward the back hall.

Bones backtracked. "I didn't mean it like that. I – "

Nadine put her hands on her hips.

"I'll be in the bathroom," Evan told his sister, leaving them to duke.

Evan passed a shoe rack and slipped into the dimly-lit back hallway. He traded the scent of Pine-Sol for toilet bleach as he opened the door to the men's bathroom, checking underneath the stalls to make sure he was alone. Not even a minute later, Danny walked through the door and grabbed Evan by the waist.

"Conejito," Danny smiled. Evan had missed that. "I heard you came in second place. I think you deserve a – "

"How long?" Evan interjected. He couldn't act as if nothing was wrong. The truth needed to be dealt with, even if that meant in a public bathroom on a Saturday night.

Danny retracted his hold, amused. "I didn't bring a measuring stick."

"How long have you been fooling around with Jackson?"

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