Chapter 14

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It was only the 3rd day of school, and my plan for the year was already derailing. I woke up later than usual that morning, hoping that Tyler wouldn't be able to find me if I were lost in a crowd. It wasn't supposed to matter anyways, because Katherine was supposed to clean up her mess.

Although, I didn't have much faith in her, because once again, she wasn't the dedicated type.

When I arrived to school that morning, I went straight to my homeroom and saw Tyler standing right next to the door. I immediately froze, my heart along with the rest of my body. I turned around quickly, walking the direction I had just come in, praying Tyler hadn't spotted me. I had hope, but he had caught me, and he was making his way over. I hugged my binder hard, digging my right nails into the spine.

"So, Corrin, you ready to tell me who put the note in my locker?" he asked, I flicked my eyes up at him, sick with hatred. Also a little annoyed because Katherine hadn't done what she said she would, shocker.

"Why do you find such pleasure in bothering me? I didn't do it," I said, irritated with him.

"Well, it's kind of hard to believe you because you had the exact materials it took to put a note in my locker, think of it this way, it's kind of like saying you didn't egg the school, but when the principal goes into your bag, he finds 4 empty egg cartons, it's hard to believe you didn't do it," he said, inching a little closer to me. I took a glimpse at him through the corner of my eye.

"Well what if someone asked me to loan them the eggs, and I said sure, because I knew that trying to talk them out of it would be impossible," I said, connecting my metaphor with his. I turned back, reversing the direction I was walking in.

"What are you saying?" he asked, confused.

"Look, my friend asked to borrow the sticky notes and the pen, I swear to god, I didn't do it."

Tyler smirked and took out my pen, that I had fallen out my bag the day before, out of his pocket, twirling it in his fingers. It was then that I realized, he probably had the rest of my sticky notes. I began to wonder what he did with them. Maybe he was storing them in a clear plastic bag, marked evidence.

"Sure you didn't, but if I were the principal, I'd have you suspended for egging the school." He winked at me, and spun around, leaving me. A little part of me burned up inside, I wanted the last words. I didn't want him to have the satisfaction of knowing that his words were going to linger in my mind the rest of the day.

"You're an asshole," I called out. They were the only words I could think of. Tyler's walking came to a stop, and turned to face me. He smiled and nodded his head and proceeded to head towards his first class, whispering to his friends. I sighed with relief, not only had I gotten the last words, but he was gone. There was no way I was going to let him my last year of high school. 

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