The Warning

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The entire journey home was merely listening to your uncle Vernon complain about how he has to drive the car just for you spoilt kids. And Aunt Petunia agreeing. And Dudley crying and whining about how his legs hurt. You already missed Hogwarts and did not know how you were going to make it throughout these six weeks. Of course, no magic to be performed outside of school - but what if Dudley really annoyed you? How were you going to resist from saying 'Petrificus Totalus' at him? How? Like, seriously, how? You hated to admit it, but you even already missed the bitter and petty arguments with Malfoy, for they made you feel at home at least to a certain extent, or at least, they reminded you that you were in a place you belonged to. Yet, without them, you were snapped back into reality: in the car with Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley. But you reminded yourself that it was only six weeks - you could get through that, surely. Your biggest fear, actually, was that one day you would wake up in your old tiny bedroom and discover that Hogwarts was not real, you were no witch, you'd never met Hermione or Ron, and you and Harry were stuck in the same, boring life of abuse, constantly starved, hit, belittled. The mere thought of returning to that life petrified you and gave you the chills, so, looking out the window, you shifted your mind to more positive thoughts, such as returning to Hogwarts in six weeks.

Already on the first day of returning, you were ordered to clean the entire house with Harry whilst the Dursleys went off to the zoo. And you had no choice but to do so. Both you and Harry stood in the kitchen, tidying it, complaining.

"We're wizards and we're having to clean their kitchen, this is unbelievable!" You cried out.

"Well, what can we do?"

"Kill ourselves."

"That's not funny."

"It'd be better than staying here, doing this."

"Just six weeks."

"Just six weeks!?" You cried out. "What are we going to do for all those weeks?"

"Well, clean. Tidy. Cook."

"Be slaves," you interrupted.

"Be slaves." Harry confirmed. "But at least we don't have to deal with Malfoy and his minions."

"Yes, true, though I kind of miss it."


"It reminds me of being at Hogwarts. Without the bickering, there is no Hogwarts."

"That's true." Harry sighed. "Let's just think positively."

"I love being with the Dursleys! It is so exciting to be their pet!" You mocked. "Harry, let's just run away."

"[F/n], think about it this way - we'll meet up with Hermione at some point. Also, if you focus on your studies, before you even know it, you'll be back at Hogwarts."

"I'll just spend my entire time reading."

"Yes, do that. What are you reading?"

"Madame Bovary."

"That sounds old."

"Quite. It's French."

Harry left the kitchen to throw away the trash bag. You, being left alone, looked down into your trousers in which you had your wand tucked in. Slowly, you pulled it out and looked at it, inhaling. Maybe, just one spell - to clean all this up. No one would know, surely? It'd all be tidy, no one would know, and everyone would live happily ever after.

"What are you doing?" Harry snapped quickly, grabbing your wand off you.

"Nothing in particular."

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