Chapter 12: Doom

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Chapter 12: Doom

A voice, so seductive and yet so biting. Like a sleek double edge sword, cut from the finest steel, my father's voice entices me into his thrown room. The glittering specs of extricated irises light the distance between me and the line of the damned.

The woman at the base of stage where my father proudly displays his thrown of silver-plated skulls watches with wary curiosity as I ascend the steps of the raised platforms. Cold seeps through my robes as my legs connect with the chilled metal. I listen with half an ear as the centuries divulge her many infractions.

Warm brown eyes and hair streaked with age and the proof of her trials as a mother of four are nothing but a mask for the sinner beneath. She has lied, gossiped and failed to repent before she breathed her last, and for that she must be punished.

Her screams are the soundtrack to my righteous furry as I paint the walls with her blood. The cries and pleas pouring from her lips are the only witnesses to my rebirth as the ruling Prince of Hell. Bathed in the blood, and risen from the ashes of my victims, I crown myself.

I knew it was a damn mistake to come out of the shadows. Fuck, I just couldn't stand to see her cry. I don't know what lead up to her tears, but I had a feeling it was my fault. This woman was so happy and carefree before I decided to interfere. Now, my darkness is seeping into her life and I just can't seem to stop it.

Damn, and now she's fisting Ceribe's fur so tightly, I'm surprised the dog isn't crying. I've forever made my mark on this woman, and she doesn't even realize it. Ceribe is taken with this woman just as much as I am. While it is possible for me to walk away without anymore damage to Eden, Ceribe won't. She has chosen Eden as a handler.

Ceribe isn't a normal dog. She's a pure bread Hell Hound. Lucifer gave her to me as a parting gift when I left to live among mortals. In Hell, they are sought after because they can extend certain abilities to their chosen master. Hell Hounds that have been bread with mortal dogs may only have one or two to bestow, but pure breads have three.

One, they can allow their masters and handlers, if they are near, to shadow walk, an ability only Dark Angels have. Two, they can allow demons, which are the result of a mortal and Dark Angel's union, to cross hell's gate into the mortal world. The third ability is what will irrevocably change Eden's life; now that Ceribe has identified her as a handler, Eden's life span just got infinitely longer. Eden will continue to live so long as Ceribe does. Their lives are now interwind in an unbreakable bond.

Eden's rapid-fire question's break me out of my mental formulating. Before I can come up with a viable story on just how I managed to get into her apartment, Eden connects some of the dots.

"You're him. You're TDH..."

Honestly, it never occurred to me that she didn't know who was sending her the gifts. After all, she's the one who gave me the name. Instead of answering her, I just raise an eyebrow and give a subtle nod.

"What did you do to Mr. Winters?" I should have expected the question, but again, I thought it was obvious. Sure, she couldn't have known I used my gifts to manipulate him into feeling sorry for Ryan and what he had done to the boy, but she must have known I'm the one who kicked his ass. I sent her a devil damned note, after all.

I see her emotions waring inside her. A kaleidoscope of colors swirl around her form. Angry red gives way to a depressing black, but what confuses me the most is the streaks of a lustful violet emanating from her. Eventually, her vibrant aura dims to a melancholy state. Defeated, she says, "Just stop. Just take your dog and leave me alone."

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