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I was unaware of how long we were on the dance floor but it seemed like forever. Just standing there swaying back and forward kissing until someone cleared their throat beside us. Quickly I pulled away, seeing Mason to my side with a red face. He didn't have any reason to be upset but it seems as if he was about to go off. For what I didn't know. I didn't want him or his brother although the two wanted to fuck me.

"I think it's time for us to go Yasmine. What the fuck are you doing? Look at you on the damn dance floor lip-locking with a man you know shit about. Let's go!" He semi-yelled gripping me by the arm and pulling me over to him. Something that I didn't appreciate, I was a grown woman and able to may her own decisions.

"What is wrong with you Mason?! Fucking let me go! I am not your child and last I check I was grown! Weren't you lip-locking with a dude you knew shit about? Don't judge me. Oh yeah, news flash I barely know shit about you and Jason either, but did that stop you from sticking your fucking tongues down my throat? Neither one of you asked permission for shit. So, don't stand there and tell me what the fuck I can and cannot do."

Mason took a step back staring down at me with a disgusted look before staring back up at the man beside me. His glares indicated that he was pissed at my mystery man and he looked as if he gave two shits just as I did. However, Mason opened his mouth and for some reason, it closed just as fast as he slightly bowed his head.

"Whatever Yas go home with this man if you want to but don't come crying to me when you break your fucking heart because all he wanted was a one-night stand."

"You talk a lot of shit for a male whore." He spoke with a smirk. Mason frowned while the man held up his hand. "The only two I see trying to get a one-nightstand are you and your dick head brother. You know nothing of what I want from Yasmine and it's best if you walked away now."

Mason went red from his shoulder up. There was no doubting it that he was mad... big mad. Then again he appeared to be more embarrassed that he was called out which caused him to take a step. Both of his hands were balled by his side and he was ready to charge but stopped quickly shaking his head.

"Fuck you and him! I'm leaving have him bring you home. Better yet don't fucking talk to me again." He said turning and jogging away. Right then he seemed to be scared causing me to look over at the man to my side. Thinking what the fuck did he do to make Mason run like that?

"I guess that means you will be taking me home since he's in his feeling. By the way, you never told me your name. I know you know mine and that's a mystery because I don't think I ever met you."

He looked down at me and smiled causing me to return one when his eyes did that shit again. Flashed a goldish yellow, and it wasn't the fucking lights of the club. Still, I couldn't bring myself to run.

"I learned your name from your so-call friends. I walk by your building a lot and heard one of them calling you... Silas Matei at your service, my dear Yasmine." He said while bowing.

I smiled before letting out a giggle at his silliness. It was cute and handsome at the same time. I could tell he was raised to be a gentleman and as he came back up from his bow Silas nicely took my hand kissing it. After Silas guided us through the club and out the door.

I didn't know this man and should have ran, left with Mason. It was something about this man that told me I could trust him. I felt like we had a connection, so I followed like a little puppy. Right across the street to a parking lot to an all-black Ferrari as I waited for him to tell me to get in.

"Why are you always by my building? Do you live close by?"

"No, I work by there. Most of the time you see me, I'm either on my way to work, getting off, or just walking by. I enjoy the dog park across the street from your building. It's quite peaceful even with the barking dogs... I'm sorry if I'm jumping off the subject. The man back at the club was he a fuck buddy or someone trying to fuck?"

Not So Normal Yasmine * It all comes back * Book IWhere stories live. Discover now