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I awoke feeling a bit hazed as I rolled over from my stomach to my side and realized I was in the bed alone. Silas was nowhere in sight neither was Siren. Then my memories came back to what unfolded between Silas and me causing my hand to quickly go to my neck as I sat up.

"Did he fucking bite me?" I asked myself as I pulled the sheets around my body, and walked to the bathroom to take a look in the mirror. After I examine my neck, I concluded maybe I was dreaming. All the supernatural research is starting to go to my head. I was imagining shit and it wasn't a good look.

Sighing I washed my face to clear my head and then took a thirty-minute shower before returning to an empty room. Quickly I noticed someone had been there because the lights were on and there were clothes laid out on the bed. A cropped top shirt, a pair of leggings, new underwear, and a pair of slides. All in my size and without thinking I put them on and then made my way to the door.

I had no idea where I was going. I was asleep when Silas bought me in the night before and knew nothing of his home. Luckily a lady rounded the corner as I stood in the hallway looking stupid. She smiled and I kinda shrugged my shoulders not knowing what to say to her until she spoke.

"I see I'm just on time. I was just coming to get you, Mistress. Master said you should've been woke by now, and I see you got the clothes that were left for you. Come, Master is waiting."

I cocked an eyebrow. What the hell was this woman on? Calling Silas master. I sure the fuck hope he didn't think I was about to do the same.

"Don't worry Master doesn't expect you to call him that. You are his Queen of course. We are here to serve you and him."

"Lady, I have no idea what you are talking about. I do know that I am hungry. Please tell me Silas got food waiting for me... oh and what is your name?" I said trying not to think too much about what she was saying or the fact she just read my mind, just as Silas do. However, she smiled looking back in my direction as we made our way down the grand staircase. It was beautiful and big, something you only see in movies or castles.

"My name isn't important, Mistress, but if you must know, it's Celeste, one of Master's most faithful servants."

"Servant?" I said. What the fuck did Silas think this was the 1700s? But it was none of my business. This was his home; I was just a visitor.

"Yes, servant Mistress yours and his. You said you were hungry and as you can tell there's a whole buffet waiting. Please enjoy the cooks made this just for you," She spoke. I looked at the large buffet and then slowly turn back to her, but she was gone nowhere in sight. It reminded me of the first couple of times I met Silas.

I didn't know what to think but I brushed it off once more turning to the dining room. I didn't even see Silas holding Siren in his arms until I ran straight into his chest. He appeared out of nowhere and scared the shit outta me.

"Oh my gosh! You scared the living shit out of me. Where did you two come from?" I said, holding my hands on my chest, trying to catch my breath. Silas smiled while Siren's tongue hung from her mouth happily.

"Siren needed to use the bathroom. I took her to the backyard to do her business. Have you eaten yet?"

I stood there for a moment looking back at the door on the far end of the kitchen to where Silas was now. I didn't see him walk from that direction nor hear him. Slowly I shook my head no walking around him to the buffet. I wasn't going to address the situation knowing he wasn't going to give me a straight answer. Instead, I started to stack everything I could on my plate before sitting at the table.

"Are you going to eat?"

"Already have now you need to fuel yourself." I nodded again as I shyly began to eat while Silas stood there watching me with Siren still in his arms.

Not So Normal Yasmine * It all comes back * Book IWhere stories live. Discover now