He posts a picture of you two on Instagram/twitter

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The boys were in Chicago for a show, and they were just about to leave their hotel to go down to the venue and do sound check when a flash flood warning went out across the county. So everyone stayed inside, and were nervous as to what was going to end up happening for the concert. It was pouring cats and dogs outside, like really fat cats and dogs at a high rate, and it was almost like no one could see through the rain. But, after thirty minutes of brutal rain and wind, it seemed to flow away to some other area of the county. Calum called from the window and once everyone could actually see outside, they ran out the hotel. Which was a bad idea, because there was so much water on the ground. "It sure gets wet here in Chicago," Calum joked. Michael let out a stupid guffaw before you tugged on Ashton's sleeve. "Let's go play in it. I bet it's clean, it came from the sky." "But then we'll have to change our clothes." "Ash, does it really look that bad to you?" Ashton bit on inside of his lip and then shook his head. "Okay, then, let's go-" You were about to take a big leap into the street when Ashton's arm pulled you back quickly. You slipped from the wet sidewalk and he reacted quickly to pick you up, his arms wrapping around you protectively. He laughed as your face turned white from pure shock, and then started to walk in the street. "You want to play in the water?" He began to bend over, making your whole body get closer to the water. "No, no, no!" You laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulders, bracing yourself. Ashton began to laugh and you felt his bicep flex against your thigh and back. Unknowingly, Luke was taking a picture of the two of you as he stood in front of the hotel. He later sent it to Ashton during sound check, who posted it once he received it. You didn't realize he posted anything till later that night when you were bundled up with him in bed. "I ain't puttin' my jacket over that puddle"

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