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Few days Ago

"I got a promotion just few days ago and I had so many things to adjust and look forward to, but nonetheless I am so happy, y'know "

Nayeon, Sana's bestfriend said then sip on her lemon juice. Sana was really happy for her friend so she hug her tightly.

"I'm so proud of you Nayeonnie"

"And I say the same thing to you. "

Momo cleared her throat and roll her eyes. She's also one of Sana's bestfriend, although they're incomplete today she's happy that she had the chance to meet them again.

"While you guys are celebrating here I am still stuck and waiting for Tzuyu to assign me as a manager and not just her assistant! "

Sana giggled when she heard her girlfriend's name.

"Tzuyu complain of how you always ask for free taste. "

Sana said almost laughing causing Momo to grit her teeth.

"Why don't you tell her to promote me. Tell her I am your bestfriend and she have to do it for you. Hm? I know she'll never say no to you Sana pleaseee"

"Mo~ as much as I want to, Tzuyu know what's best. But I'll try, okay? "

Momo clapped her hand and wink at her.

"That's my girl! "

"No Mo~ I am Tzuyu's. "

Sana stuck her tongue out and they all laugh together.

"Whatever! "

"So Sana how's life with Tzuyu? Still going strong? "

Sana nodded her head excitedly while looking at Nayeon.

"Ofcourse. Tzuyu is always patient and understanding with me. You know that feeling of loving her more when you love her more than anything already? "

Nayeon smiled genuinely.

"Yes dear. I understand that. You're lucky to have her."

Sana nodded wiyh her contagious smile on her lips but when she remember what's going on lately her smile drop.

"I don't know why but I sometimes forgot the way to our home. It makes me nervous that for a moment I really have no idea where to go. "

Momo and Nayeon's eyes squinted at what Sana told them. It's odd to hear that you forgot the route towards your house.

"What do you mean? "

Sana bit her lips.

"I feel pressured and stress lately, I keep thinking about my project then when I'm about to go home I realised that I was just driving and I didn't know... I actually don't have any idea at all. "

"Does this happen lately? Or this oftenly happened to you? "

"Just for a moment then I got back to my senses but yes this happen almost everyday now. When I make coffee for Tzuyu I even forgot that she doesn't like to put cream on it. Then I ironed her clothes but I instantly forgot where I placed it. "

Nayeon's mouth hanged open, She saw Sana's eyes slowly tearing up.

"You seriously need to check it Sana. Chaeyoung's girlfriend is a Doctor, I'll book a check up for you tomorrow. "

Sana just nodded. The happiness that she felt just awhile ago instantly fade.

The next day, Sana told Tzuyu she'll be going for a check since she's getting headaches a lot lately which is not a lie. Tzuyu wanted to go with her but Sana said she'll be fine.

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