~Survey Corps~

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After a long while, all of you finally made it back to HQ. You and Noah jumped off the horse so that Levi could put him(?) away. The two of you looked at the place in awe. "It's so big!" You explained.

Levi walked towards both of you and smiled, "Let's go inside." You and Noah smiled and ran inside with Levi following far behind, too lazy to run after you two.

You guys giggled and laughed as you ran inside, passing a few of the soldiers who just stared in shock and confusion. As you guys were having too much fun, you ran into the lunch room and stopped in your tracks as everything became quiet. Everyone was looking at you and Noah. You whimpered and hid behind your brother.

Levi soon caught up with the two of you, realizing where you two ended up. He glared at everyone and once everyone noticed his glare they looked away. You looked up at you father and liftes up your arms, making a gesture for him to carry you. He smiled and obeyed your request, picking you up. You sat on the right side of his hip, his arm under you as support.

Everyone continues to stare even more confused since Levi was holding you. "C'mon Noah." Noah looked at his dad and followed him out the lunch room. "Where are we going?"

"My room."

Noah nodded, staying silent after that. Once at Levi's room, Levi placed you down and you decided to explore the room. After a bit of looking around, you sat on Levi's bed and Noah sat next to you a few moments later.

Minutes of silence passed by and you were still just sitting on the bed, slowly getting bored. A sigh escaped your lips and you leaned back onto the bed arms spread out. Noah looked at you and smiled, leaning back with you.

You groaned in boredom, turning around and laying on your stomach. "Bubba, I'm bored." Noah chuckled and looked over at Levi. "Dad, we're bored. Can we go out and meet the other soldiers?" Levi stopped what he was doing and looked at the two of you. "You guys wanna meet the other soldeirs?" You both sat up and nooded your heads. "Alright. But be careful, okay?"

You jumped out of the bed giggling snd dashed out the door, Noah running after you. You slowed down as you came closer the the cafateria door. Looking up at Noah, who nodded his head reassuringly, who stood on your tippy toes and opened the door.

Once again, everything became really quiet once the two of you walked in. You looked around the room, your eyes making eye contact with a brown haired boy with beautiful turquoise eyes. You walked towards him and smiled sweetly. "I'm Y/N Ackerman and this is my bubba Noah Ackerman! What's your name?"

Everyone gasped at the sudden news. Since when did Levi have children? The boys' eyes widened slightly. He bent down to your level and cleared his throat, "I-I'm Eren. Eren Jaeger."

You reached your hand out and cupped his cheek. He flinched but quickly relaxed as he saw your smile widen a bit more. "You have really pretty eyes, Ewen." Even if you were really smart, you always had a lot of trouble pronouncing names. It took you at least 4 years to actually be able to pronounce your familys' name's correctly.

Eren blushed at the compliment and smiled softly at you. "Thank you!" You smiled widely, your eyes turning into crescents. Eren stood up and looked down at you making gestures for him to pick you up. He chuckled and did so.

"Do you know my daddy?" Eren nodded his head. "He's our captain." Noah's eyes widened, "Really?" Eren looked over at him and nodded once again. "Mhm!" Noah's eyes glistened as he smiled. "That's so cool!"

You looked at the both of them as they talked when suddenly a htough came to mind. "Ewen?" Eren and Noah stopped talking and looked at you. "You're a soldier, aren't you? What exactly are you killing? I've heard a few stories in the underground that there are these really big man eating giants. Is that what your killing?" 

Both of them looked at you shocked. Eren's eyes softened and he put you down. "How about the both of you head back to your dad. He must be looking for you." Noah nodded and grabbed you by the hand. You both walked out the cafeteria and towards your dads' room.

As you approached Levi's room you saw him also walking towards the room. "There you guys' are. I've been looking for you two." You ran towards him and hugged his leg. "Daddy! Daddy! We met someone and he was super nice!"

Levi picked you up and walked inside his room, Noah following behind. "Yeah? Who?" He asked, placing you on the bed. "Uhh, I-I think his name is uhhh... Oh! Ewen!" Levi looked at you with his eyes narrowed. "Eren?" You nodded your head excitedly and stood up on the bed jumping up and down.

"Yeah, Ewen Jaguar! He was super nice and had really pretty eyes. He was also SUPER tall. He almost looked like a giant!" Noah and Levi chuckled at your behavior and how you had completely mispronounced his last name. "Is that so? Well, I'm gonna go talk with this Eren Jaguar, okay? You two stay here."

You and Noah nodded as he walked out the room. Noah looked at you as you yawned and rubbed your eyes. He smiled and walkes towards you, picking you up and laying you down on the bed. "Let's go to bed." You nodded sleepily as Noah layed down next to you. You cuddled into his chest and slowly the both of you wandered off to the land of dreams.

About an hour passed when Levi finally came back to the room. He closed the door behind him self and turnes around finally noticing both of you. You had your head resting underneath Noahs' chin with your hands grabbing his shirt. Noah had his right arm thrown lazily over your body and his left arm under your head as a sort of pillow. His face buried into your hair.

Levi changed into his pajamas, grabbing his uniform and placing them neatly where they belonged. He slowly layed on his bed being careful to try and not wake both of you up and got comfortable. He closed his eyes and moments later he fell asleep.

Nsoqhwiagq. Oh geez, sorry this took so long to come out. I planned on publishing it like 5 days ago but had to attend a friends birthday. I would've published it during rhe weekend but that also didn't work out cause I ended up going to the beach on Saturday.

Obviously I'm going to need to give myself a schedule so I feel pressured to actually update my books. So I'll be doing that and hopefully I'll keep up with it.

Anygay, that's all I really have to say.


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