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"Dad?" Noah gasped out. Tears streamed down his face as he looked at his father, not being able to tell if this was just some hallucination. He was happy that his father was finally back even if it wasn't in the best circumstances.

That happiness soon turned to anger as he glared at Levi. Taking advantage that he was distracted, Noah tripped him over. Some of the soldiers stepped forward to restrain him but stopped when he started yelling.

"Why! Why would you leave us! Do you know how lonely Y/N and I have been? How hard it has been to even be able to make it through a day? Mom died after you left and now we have no one. It's been so so hard for us these past 3 years, having to take care of ourselves all alone! But what would you care, I mean you did leave leave us to rot, didn't you?"

Levi's eyes widened as he sat up, "Y-You're moms' dead?" Noah nodded, the tears seeming to stop falling. "She died shortly after you left. She got sick and well y'know- I'm sure you know how it is down here since you did live here once."

Levi looked down as tears threatened to fall. He took a deep breath  and crouched down in front of Noah before hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry, Noah." Noah's eyes widened slightly as his head rested on Levi's shoulder. "I didn't want to leave but I had to." Noah burried his head in Levi's neck, tears flowing down his face again. "Why?" He croaked out. "Because if I didn't, I would've gotten a death sentence."

Noah pulled away from his fathers' embrace and looked at him confused. "What?" Levi chuckled, "You know the things I had to do to help us survive, and none of them were good. The only way for that not to happen was for me to join the survey corps." Noah looked down refusing to make eye contact with Levi before nodding and looking back up with a smile. "I missed you, dad."

"I missed you too." Levi's eyebrows furrowed, "Where's your sister?" A look of realization crossed Noah's features as he stood up, throwing the cuffs on the ground and slowly started to walk backwords towards an alleyway. "This way." Levi and the rest of the soldiers lookes at him in surprise. How the hell did he take the cuffs of? Levi chuckled lightly as he followed Noah, the other soldiers close behind.

After a few minutes, they finally reached the house. "I see you decided to stay in the same house." Noah nodded, looking over at Levi. "It was nice and clean and still is since we keep up with the cleaning." Noah looked back towards the door and slowly opened it. Small footsteps could be heard going towards the living area once the door was fully opened.

"Bubba! Welcome home! You didn't come back hurt, did you-" You stopped in your tracks as you looked at the man behind your brother. "Bubba, tha- that-"

"Yeah, I know." Noah smiled and stepped to the side as you slowly walked towards Levi. He crouched down and waited for you to finally make it towards him. You reached out to touch his face but retracted your hand as soon as you made contact. Tears filled your eyes as you extended your hand to touch him again. Once your small hand was softly cradling Levi's cheek, tears fell from your eyes and your mouth fell agape.

"Daddy?" Levi smiled, slightly leaning into your hand before responding. "Yes, princess?" When you heard his voice, you completely broke down. Throwing yourself into his arms you started to cry, the tears never ending and soaking up Levi's uniform. Not that he cared though. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer once again trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall.

Once your crying had stopped and only turned into small hiccups you pulled away and looked into your fathers' eyes, pouting. "Why did you leave? Why would you leave us? Was  it me? Did I do something wrong? Cause if I did, I'm sorry." Levi looked at you confused and then looked at Noah who just looked back at the both of you sadly. Levi turned back to you and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "It had nothing to do with you Y/N. I don't know why you would ever think that but it wasn't you, okay?" You nodded wiping the stray tears off your face.

Levi got back up and looked around the house. "Doesn't look like much changed." Noah sighed and walked over to you, picking you up and then stood by Levi's side. "Yeah, we didn't want to change much. A cup that mom drank from 3 years ago is still sitting on the table over there. Hasn't been touched or moved." Levi looked at you and Noah with sorrow and sighed. You and Noah looked up at him, "Are you leaving again?" Noah said, voicing out the question you were wondering too.

"I am." Tears pricked at the sides of both you and Noah as those words left his mouth. "But the two of you are coming with me. Go pack your things." The both of you smiled as your eyes widened and ran towards your rooms to pack your things.

"Sir, are you sure thats a good idea? They could get hurt or-" Levi glared at the soldier who dared question him. "Are you telling me how to take care of my kids?" The soldier shook in his spot as his whole body tensed, " N-No sir."

"Good, besides they aren't any better down here. At least above ground they can eat and be healthy." The soldier nodded quickly, saluting. "Y-Yes sir."

Levi's expression quickly softened as he saw the two of you run into the living area with a backpack filled with, what he would guess, all your valuables. "You two ready?" The both of you nodded as you ran up to Levi and made a gesture for him to carry you. He smiled and picked you up, putting you on his shoulders as you all left the house with the rest of the soldiers.

After a while, all of you made it out from underground, the sun shining brightly. You and Noah looked around in awe. "Wow." Noah gushed. "It's so pretty!" You said in amazement. Levi chuckled and took you off his shoulder. He sat you down on a horse which made you even more awestruck. "Daddy has a horse!" Noah rushed over and pet the horse. "So cool!"

Levi mounted his horse, sitting in front of you. "Get on already." Noah looked at Levi in surprise before smiling and getting on, sitting behind you. You giggled and grabbed onto the back of Levi's shirt.

Once all the soldiers were ready to go, everyone rode off and towards the Trost District. Levi looked behind him and towards you and Noah who were smiling brightly with the wind hitting your face.

Looking forward he smiled to himself, happy to finally be back with the two of you.

Damn. 1,196 words. Isn't that amazing. I'm pretty sure this has to be the longest chapter I've ever written in any of my books. Hopefully every chapter is this long or almost this long but, we'll see.

Anygay, hope you guys enjoyed rhis chapter and maybe the next chapter will be just as long as this one. Next chapter will be out on either Thursday or Friday.

Annyeong! (Bye!)

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