The beginning

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I heard a knock on the door. rolling over I glanced at the clock, 6:30 AM, jumping out of bed I ran to the door at this ungodly hour. Opening the door I saw a man who looked to be about sixteen or seven teen wearing a blue areopostle pullover ,blue jeans ,and sperrys.
"Hello, I am CJ and you are frosty I've come to speak with you. May we go inside?" CJ asked.
"Sure please, come in" I responded cooly
As he entered the house I noticed him look around as if he was taking in the scenery. I could tell by the way he spoke that he held authority yet he was also very charming.
He took a seat on the couch while I sat in an arm chair.
"Frosty, I've heard of your... skills and I'd like to ask you to leave this life behind and join me in a rebellion, a new beginning." CJ asked bluntly
He stared at me waiting for a response. I was dumbfounded, I wasn't sure what I should do. On one hand I was met with an offer that I had trained for since I was seven. On the other I would be leaving home with a person I had never met until this morning. I found that this was an easy decision.
"I'll go."
CJ looked at me like I was insane
"You don't need to think about it?"
"We can leave now if you give me a moment to pack my gear seeing as you are asking for my talents." I replied calmly
He quickly recomposed himself "of course. I'll be here waiting for you. We can get you anything you might need just bring what you feel is essential."
I nodded. When I got to my room I grabbed two black duffle bags and put all my clothes in one. Then it was time to pack equipment, I packed my black specialoperations facial mask, my tactical vest, two belt pouches filled with throwing needles, four matching daggers, and a 9mm pistol with an extended magazine. On my way out the door I grabbed my gun case. I was bringing a Savage 110 BA. (for those of you who don't know that is a military grade sniper rifle)
  I walked back down the stairs to find CJ waiting for me at the door. He opened the door and led me to his blaze red jeep ,I threw my things in the back seat then got up front. As the jeep sped away I noticed CJ grin.

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