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The scene was very chaotic for a time. Sect Leader Ning didn't wait for Xiao Ning to bring the sword; he made a hand gesture in preparation for a battle to the death with a living corpse. It was past five o'clock. It got light early in summer, and our room was high up; the first rays of sunlight came in through the window in the hotel's corridor. Xiao Duan screamed and ran towards the room. Xiao Ning absolutely hadn't expected that I would stand up while he was lying on my lap and send him toppling off the sofa. With that added to the carsickness that hadn't faded yet, he lay on the floor in a state of utter confusion.

Under the circumstances, I made a quick decision. I would leave Xiao Ning lying on the floor for now. He had fallen already, anyway. Helping him up now or later would come to about the same thing.

The key thing was Xiao Duan. She had voluntarily put the talisman on herself that night, which had injured her core strength, and releasing her obsession had decreased her power. She couldn't bear a sliver of sunlight, and on top of that there was Sect Leader Ning about to do magic. If she really got attacked from both sides, Xiao Duan could stop thinking about ever reincarnating.

As a teacher, my student was my greatest concern. I charged over, grabbed Sect Leader Ning by the waist, moved him away from the door, and called to Xiao Duan, "Get in, quick!"

Xiao Duan ran inside. The curtains in the room were drawn. She turned off the light and hid in a corner, looking shaken.

"Sect Leader Ning, just wait a moment. Xiao Duan is my student, she's willing to go to the Maoshan Sect to transcend. I was the one who forgot her downstairs, making her have to come up here and knock on the door. It was my fault," I explained to Sect Leader Ning as I closed the door.

Xiao Duan cooperatively nodded her head wildly at Sect Leader Ning. "Hello, Sect Leader Ning. I'm willing. I don't want to stay in the human world at all, please transcend me as soon as possible. I really don't want to go to Teacher Shen's class again!"

Sect Leader Ning calmed down a little and asked his his chief disciple, "Tiance, is this true? Have you already dissolved this living corse's resentment?"

Xiao Ning stared at me fiercely, got up from the floor by himself, and said cooly, "That's right. She actually already had the wish to transcend when we found her last night, she was just unable to leave her body. Teacher Shen contacted Principal Zhang to learn about Duan Youlian's life. We helped her see her family for the last time. Her obsession has already disappeared. She can transcend."

Sect Leader Ning finally relaxed. Mildly approving, he said, "Well done. I'll contact the Maoshan Sect and have them send a vehicle to transport the living corpse."

He turned to Duan Youlian again. "In order to transport you to the Maoshan sect, I will pack your body, suppressing your Yin energy as much as possible. I can also keep you from being harmed by sunlight. Do you agree?"

"As long as it won't hurt," said Duan Youlian.

"Don't worry. It’ll be like having your senses sealed. You won't feel a thing. By the time your consciousness is restored, it'll be time for you to leave this world."

"Thank you very much, Sect Leader Ning," Duan Youlian said calmly.

Then Xiao Ning pulled a long strip of yellow cloth out of some cabinet and used it to wrap up Duan Youlian. After she was all wrapped up, Sect Leader Ning took out a brush and cinnabar and recited something while drawing patterns I didn't understand on the yellow cloth.

"This matter of the living corpse is resolved," said Sect Leader Ning with a sigh. "When we accepted Principal Zhang's assignment, we never expected there would be such a dreadful monster in the class. If we have known then, we never would have sent you to H City alone."

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