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Ning Tiance stayed at the Internet cafe past one without finding the job posting his Shifu had spoken of. Angry and anxious, he left the smoke-filled Internet cafe and walked numbly through the streets.

The sect's elders attached great importance to this assignment. Before Ning Tiance had left, they'd told him that if the fierce ghosts were too powerful, he must contact the sect.

As the Chief Disciple of the Maoshan Sect, Ning Tiance's heart was full of pride. After all, he was a disciple who could deal with a fierce ghost on his own. All his shidi could only succeed in trapping a fierce ghost if many disciples formed an array together, while he could wield the sect's precious evil-dispelling sword.

The arrogant Ning Tiance hadn't expected that leaving the sect this time wouldn't go smoothly. He had actually made a mistake in receiving his first assignment.

A not remotely cool wind blew in his face. H City wasn't as good as the Maoshan Sect. The environment was noisy, people's hearts were inconstant, and even the night wind was fickle.

He walked until four in the morning, when his Shifu sent a message: Tiance, Madam Zhang, who entrusted this task to us, has told me that a ghost possessing a human body has already been dealt with. It only remains to transcend it. You have done well. This master is pleased.

Ning Tiance replied honestly: Shifu, I didn't do it. I haven't received the assignment yet.

Eh? What's going on? Someone got in ahead of us to deal with the ghost? But if there is such a master, why didn't they also transcend the ghost?

Sect Leader Ning could make nothing of this. He could only say: Go to the Farther Shore Estate, Building 4, Unit 4, Room 404 and have a look. It's a haunted abode. The building was built in a cursed spot, and because of the construction all the evil spirits were concentrated in 404. Only a truly gifted person would be able to survive living there. Anyone else will die and have their family broken up. I don't know how many evil ghosts have accumulated there over the years. This master will send the information to you. You must be careful.

With his Shifu being so cautious, Ning Tiance naturally didn't dare to make light of the matter. First he found a public toilet to change into his ritual attire, then got a taxi to the Farther Shore Estate.

The dark energy of Room 404 of Building 4 was visible to the naked eye from outside the building. Ning Tiance took a deep breath, smeared his blood on the evil dispelling sword, then rushed in.

On the fourth floor, he saw a man who had been firmly tied up. The man had pushed open the door of 404 and was just struggling to get out.

Ning Tiance saw that this man was possessed. For some reason the master who had subdued him had only used rope to tie him up and hadn't left any magic.

He pointed his sword at the man's nose and said, "Quickly leave this body. I can transcend you, or else I'll destroy you."

"Ah... the blood... the blood... the blood..." The fierce ghost possessing the body saw the blood on the evil dispelling sword and was scared into rolling backwards like a zongzi. He huddled against the wall, trembling and staring pitifully at Ning Tiance. "M-master, go ahead and transcend me, I don't want to saw people's legs off anymore, boo-hoo..."

As he spoke he began to cry. How had the master who had subdued this ghost tortured him to bring him to such a state?

The ghost already had the idea of reincarnation. With such cooperation, Ning Tiance just recited an incantation and transcended him.

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