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Ning Tiance found that the frequency of his self-doubts increased after he met Teacher Shen.

In the past, Ning Tiance had thought that he was the chief disciple of the Maoshan Sect, the designated future sect leader, a master at expelling ghosts, eminent among his peers, calm, brave, self-disciplined, laughing at life and death, willing to devote his whole life to the true path of the world.

After meeting Teacher Shen, Ning Tiance felt that his persona had collapsed, leaving behind not much more than "chief disciple of the Maoshan Sect."

He was really curious about how Teacher Shen could do all of this relying only on his warm blood. He began paying attention to Teacher Shen. For a time, whenever Ning Tiance dreamed, his dreams were of Teacher Shen's buzzcut head and how nice it would feel to the touch.

Ning Tiance had received an orthodox eduction from his Shifu since he was small. Sect Leader Ning had told him that before he had perfected his skills, he must remain pure in order to keep the upper hand in fighting ghosts. While many disciples, during the first stirrings of adolescence, had secretly violated sect rules to carry on romances, Ning Tiance had stayed true to his intentions, telling himself that he could have no contact with love before he was thirty. Because of this, he had no emotional experience.

Reasonably speaking, when he'd found out that Teacher Shen had feelings for him, Ning Tiance should have chosen to keep his distance from Shen Jianguo to avoid them getting more deeply entangled.

But with the situation as it was, how could he keep his distance from Teacher Shen?

More importantly, Ning Tiance didn't want to push Teacher Shen away. He was even enjoying the sudden ups and downs of feeling. Shen Jianguo was the greatest accident of his whole unchanging life.

He lived under straightened means, yet he was filled with contentment. He was upright and serious, yet willing to compromise for his students. He was passionate, but he could never figure out what was going on. He made you angry, but he also made you want to laugh. He could touch every fiber of Ning Tiance's heart.

When one person's energy is wholly concentrated on another person, there will be a sort of chemical reaction between them.

Ning Tiance found that he always liked to check his phone to see if Teacher Shen had sent anything, wanting to know if he had encountered anything unusual during the course of his work.

Unfortunately, after staying at the hotel that night, Teacher Shen started a new job and became very busy. He rarely sent messages to Ning Tiance. When he had some occasional free time to send word, it was all about Manager Lu being a good boss and how he was working overtime with Manager Lu again, learning a lot of new things.

Ning Tiance used these days to pick up the pieces of his past one by one and stick them back together. He found that Shen Jianguo had appeared in all the gaps between the pieces.

It had only been a few days, yet he was getting a taste of the feeling that not seeing each other for a day was like three years apart.

When he received a call from Manager Lu asking him to exorcise a ghost, Ning Tiance actually found himself overjoyed. Finally he had an upfront reason to go see what Teacher Shen was like at work.

Ning Tiance recalled how Teacher Shen looked delivering his lecture, standing at the lectern and seeming to glow all over.

At the mall, he watched Teacher Shen from afar, then approached quietly. Before he could say hello, he saw Teacher Shen slip. Ning Tiance automatically went to steady him. At that moment, he found that though Teacher Shen could roll up his sleeves and punch a Leg-sawing Ghost and crush corpse blood insects under his feet, in reality, he was very thin, with a very narrow waist. Ning Tiance could hold him with one arm. His height was quite suitable, too.

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