Ch 4. I'll stay by you, regardless of the fates

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Racking my brains to relearn PJO terminology hurts lmaaao. Here it is the last chapter sorry if you were looking for more I just don't think I could do it... I'm just so happy to say it's finally done! It's done!!! Sorry if it seems rushed I don't feel like prelonging it..

[Chapter status: scrapped, remake, completed 9.9.20]

Jason's heart was broken... again. He didn't know what to feel anymore. Or if he was even allowed to maybe the fates made a cruel role for him to never find true love. He let his tears flow through as Percy try to gently tell him what he felt about him. He was someone truly special to him but he came to a conclusion that it couldn't be anymore then that. He told him he understood but just needed to have some time alone to collect his thoughts again.

He decided to go find Leo for a while he found him where he thought he would be in the blacksmith. His other brothers and sisters were there. He managed to ask one of them where Leo was and a few minutes later Leo showed up. He looked quite concerned when he walked out he had a few grease marks on his face and shirt.

"Hey what's up?" Leo asked him.
"I was wondering if I could stay with you for a while." He asked him.

"You aren't with... Percy?" He asked him.

Jason didn't say anything and Leo took it as a sign that something probably happened for better or worse.

"Yeah come on, I was uhㅡ" Leo threw a tarpe cover something on his table before Jason even have time to see what he was working on. "Doing things but do you want to watch me sharpen a blade?"

"Sure.."  Jason agreed.

He blankly watch Leo as he worked on a new sword it was kind of calming to watch someone work on things. His thoughts went back to Percy... realized how much he cherished him. He was someone he could lean on after feeling lost. Percy had the same sadness as him and it made him feel like he wasn't alone. They told each other about dates they went on with their girlfriends. And shared what future they thought they had with them and now that they are gone there wasn't anything left. Percy shared funny moments he remembered when he was with Annabeth. And Jason would exchange memories he had with Piper to him.

"I'm so angry at the fates." He remembered Percy blurt out one day.

"I.. I wish there was some way where we didn't have to be binded by them if there was someway to break the fate so others don't have to experience this same sadness." Percy mumbled.

He blinked his eyes and realized Leo was facing him he looked really fragile. It really hurt Leo to see Jason so spacey and out of it.

"Please Jason... let me in... I promise I'll be able to make you happy." He whispered.

Jason let the tears fall from his face, "I'm sorry, so sorry Leo.... you probably should find someone for yourself that isn't as broken as me..."
"No.. you are worth it... please let me show you, can't I?" Leo cried.

"If you don't mind someone like me I will try my best to give you all I can.."

Leo nodded through his tears Jason didn't know how to seal his promise. Only one thing came in mind he gave him a kiss and hoped Leo could understand what he felt.

Percy wanted to kick himself this was the first time in a while he's been alone and he already missed Jason. He hated himself but he couldn't bring himself to say he liked him. He felt that the connection he made with Jason is more based on the fact that he can connect with him rather then based on a emotional connection. He was really beating himself for the expression that Jason gave him when he told him that they couldn't be.

"Percy..." Percy heard Nico call for him.

He jolted, "Nico! You gotta stop doing that you scared the shit outta me."

"How are you doing today?" He asked him as he sat on his bed.
"Honestly..? Like shit, I fucked up... and I keep losing everyone I love..." Percy covered his face in his hands.
"You didn't loose everyone..." Nico told him.

"How are you so sure?" Percy asked him.
"Because I'm still here..."

Percy looked over to Nico he looked a bit anxious, Nico took his hands all shaky, "Please say yes...."

Nico was too scared to hear his answer so he burried himself on Percy's chest. He was so tense Percy tighten his embrace and the feeling washed away.
"I won't ever let you go."

Nico was overwhelmed by his answer and started to cry. Of all the years he had alone he never once thought he wanted to be with someone. Now a opportunity has been brought up he wanted to be able to finally confess his feelings. And he was so happy he could die. Finally, finally... Percy was his..

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