Preference 2 - Cuddling (Draco Malfoy)

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Whenever you and Draco cuddle, which is at any chance you both can leap at, it's always special, everytime. Usually your head would be on his chest, listening to the soft melody of his rhythmic heartbeat. While Draco wraps his right arm around your waist securely, making sure you don't slip away. His free hand is intertwined with your fingers, ensuring you stay close. Occasionally, you'll tilt your head up to him, meeting each other's lips with the slightest and purest touch, though the kiss is always brief, it always keeps the two of you engaged. Sometimes Draco will nod off to the soft pace of your steady breathing, but when this happens you squeeze his hand, instantly waking him back up.

Harry Potter Characters x Reader (Oneshots + Prefences) *SMUT*Where stories live. Discover now