Chapter 4

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I try my best to not let Draco's attitude get to me as I headed up to the common room that night.

What was his problem anyway?

I suppose that's what I got for letting my guard down. I was surprised at myself for even feeling comfortable enough to joke with him. Something about his overly confident demeanour brings out something new, and inexplicable in me.

I'm not sure if that's a good thing.


The next day is the Gryffindor - Slytherin Quidditch match. I invite Hermione to come with me, but she has too many revisions to worry about, and regretfully declines.

A bit stressed about being alone, I slowly make my way to the pitch. My stomach is already turning in knots at the thought of interacting with Ron.

I've repressed my crush on Ron since the first time we'd met. So much so that sometimes, I had almost forgotten it was there. But now that there was the slightest change in energy, I could feel all those feelings bubbling up to the surface.

"Embarrassing, Bane," I mutter to myself as I trudge through the mud on the way up to the pitch,  "Get a grip."

I'm one of the first spectators to arrive, and the two teams are warming up. I make my way to the Gryffindor side of the field, and plop down on the slightly damp bench.

I pull out my book from my robes and just manage to turn to the right page, when a whoosh of wind nearly knocks me off balance.

"Come to watch me play, Bane? Have I got myself a fan?"

I recognise the sneering voice immediately, and sigh before raising my eyes to meet Malfoy's.

He's hovering a few feet above me on his broom. Somehow, he manages to keep balance while maintaining his nonchalant demeanour, both legs draped almost precariously over the side of his broomstick.

I hope someone knocks you onto your ass, I think to myself.

Out loud, I say, "You wish. I'm actually here for someone else."

Malfoy follows my eyes across the field to Ron, bossing around some of the second years on his team.

"You and Weasley, eh? My my, I would have thought you'd have better taste than that," Malfoy retorts, in a joking manner, but dripping with disapproval.

I grit my teeth, trying desperately to keep my mounting anger under control. All Malfoy wants is a reaction, and I'm determined not to give it.

"We're not together, we're just friends," I reply stiffly.

Malfoy's taunting grin widens.

"Oh, so have you got yourself a crush then? Isn't that adorable," he says, his tone suggesting that it's anything but.

I try to remain neutral, but my quickly reddening cheeks betray me. I've never hated my blood vessels more than in this moment.

"So, is Weasley aware of this little infatuation you've got going, then? Or will someone have to tell him?" Malfoy threatens, half turning his broom in Ron's direction.

I grip my book bone-crushingly tight in my hands. This asshole has the potential to ruin everything for me, in just a few seconds.

"Malfoy," I force out, my voice barely above a whisper, "Please don't. It's nothing. We're just friends. Don't say anything."

The desperation is seeping through my words, and this just seems to egg him on.

"Bane, Bane, don't you worry! I'm just trying to help you! Trust me, it's going to sound ten times better coming from me," Draco chuckles dryly, his eyes daring me to lose my cool.

I feel like a million alarm bells are going off in my mind. The stands around me are beginning to fill. More than a few Gryffindors are looking between Malfoy and I, with obvious interest. I can't risk anyone overhearing this conversation.

"What do you want?" I ask quietly, my jaw clenched.

"What? You'll have to speak up, Bane, I can't quite hear you," Malfoy responds, circling back on his broom, and sidling closer to me. I feel my last bit of reserve slipping away.

I stand up so that we are eye to eye, foreheads almost touching, and relish in the fact that his slightly widen in surprise.

"What... do... you... want?" I repeat, through gritted teeth.

Malfoy falters, clearly taken aback by the malice in my voice. I don't blame him - I'm surprised at it myself.

I wait for him to lean away, but he doesn't. His breath smells sweet, like fruit. Apples?

He licks his lips, and I hate myself for feeling a rush of anticipation. Why did he have to be so attractive, as well as a git?

He opens his mouth to say something, but is cut off by a familiar voice behind him.

"Problem, Malfoy?"

It's Ron. I breathe in deeply, and take a step back. I hadn't even heard him fly over. Malfoy raises his eyebrows, still facing me.

"I don't know, Weasley, why don't you ask Bane, here?" He smirks, and I curse him vehemently in my mind.

Ron scratches the back of his head in confusion, and turns to me.

"Ehrm, Marianna, everything alright?"

I shoot Malfoy the most intimidating glare I can muster, considering I'm probably the least intimidating person I know.

"Yeah, everything's alright, Malfoy just had a question about Herbology. He's just leaving now," I reply, turning my body fully towards Ron, and away from a certain someone. Malfoy scoffs.

The angry tension between Malfoy and I is palpable, and even Ron can feel it.

Why was Malfoy so bothered?

"Erm, right, well then... Malfoy, shove off. You should be with your team, anyway," Ron says, and pushes off from the ground.

Malfoy hesitates for a second longer, and then turns to go. Just before taking off, he turns back to me.

"See you tonight in the library, Bane," he smirks, then leaves.

That bastard.

Ron turns to me in confusion. I can tell he has about a million questions, and the game is about to begin.

I put my arm on his sleeve in attempted reassurance.

"I'll tell you everything after, honest," I say, and he gives me a hesitant smile.

"Alright, I'd appreciate that, thanks," he responds, and then looks down at my hand still on his arm.

"Oh, sorry," I quickly retract my hand, blushing fiercely.

Idiot, I curse myself.

"Oh, I didn't mind," he responds, somewhat shyly, and before I can respond, he's taken off down toward the pitch.

I didn't think it was possible for my face to turn more red, but apparently, today was full of surprises.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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