How Did You Love?

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"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." -Maya Angelou


Soft, calming hums echoed quietly through the silent house as Touya stumbled into the kitchen, breathing deeply as he leaned against the door frame. Another deep purple burn had been placed on his back by his father. He had failed once again during his training session.


The smell of singed flesh wafted through the small room, grabbing Rei's attention from where she sat on the floor sorting through the dishes. The humming faded out as she looked up at her son, horrified.

"Mom, I need help," Touya whispered through clenched teeth, pushing himself off the doorframe with a huff. His Mother continued to stare, and Touya had to put all his effort into not vomiting from the smell of his ruined skin. Something he was becoming much more familiar with.

"He burned me pretty bad this time." A broken chuckle followed by a sharp intake of breath.

Rei's eyes widened as her boy with bright red hair approached, hunched forward with a pained smile. Her mouth fell agape as her boy with cold, icy blue eyes inched closer, a small hand reaching out toward her. She could feel the searing heat radiating off of him, just like his father.

Just like his father.

"No!" Rei screeched, her hands flying up to cover her face. "Stay away!" She scooted across the tile and curled into herself, eyes wrung tightly shut. Her hands moved up and pulled tightly on her hair.

Touya froze, taking a step back, confused. He raised a hand, "Mom, it's me," he said slowly, throwing on an awkward smile, "It's Touya." A light chuckle. Another step forward.

Rei flinched and tightened further into herself, "Don't come near me! You disgusting monster!" Her body shook violently. Sobbing, she began mumbling nonsense quietly under her breath, but still loud enough for Touya to hear, "You're just like him, you're just like him..."


She flinched.

His hand fell from where it had frozen in the air. He dropped his head, a rare tear rolling down his cheek and an awkward smile still set in place. The house was quiet, save for his mother's silent rambling.

"It's Touya."

She screamed.


"Dabi! Dabi, answer me!" Toga wined from her seat at the bar. Sadly, he was stuck on babysitting duty while Shiggy was out running errands. Hopefully, he wouldn't be much longer or the bar may have a few new scorch marks.

Dabi groaned and rolled over on the couch, lying flat on his stomach, "What do you want, Toga?" he said roughly. He couldn't seem to ever find a comfortable position on this couch Twice stole. Something was always pulling at his staples.

She giggled, launching herself off the barstool and crouched down in front of Dabi's eyes. "Dabi, I want to know if you've ever loved anyone!"

He rolled his eyes, "No, now leave me alone. I'm not in the mood for your shit today." He hadn't had the chance to take any drugs before Boss had called him over. The man always managed to interrupt him before he could get high. What a pain. It's like he had a sixth sense for this kind of shit.

"C'mon! It'll be fun, I swear," she practically yelled in his ear, "It's bonding, Dabi! This is how you make friends," she added on, hoping to boost her argument. Toga nodded her head, practically vibrating in her seat.

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