Ch 1 picnic

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It was a warm Saturday morning in the month of June. There was a girl named Lei that live with her pet lizard , she has a best friend named Jimin . He has been her friend since they were little. Lei celebrated her 23rd birthday two days ago with Jimin . He came to her house to celebrate and on this Saturday he asked her if she wanted to have a picnic at the park. Lei said yes , so today she's getting ready for the little date with Jimin.

Lei was so excited to have a picnic with Jimin , she is wearing her best outfit. While Jimin is wearing a decent outfit since they're going to be outside. When she was finished getting dress she grabs her purse and goes to her lizard. " Hey Reii I'm going out on a date with Jimin" Lei said to her lizard. She gives her lizard some food and closes his cage and heads to the front door.

Lei heard a knocked at her door , she walks to the door and looks through the peep hole . She gets excited because it's Jimin at her door . Lei opened the door and hugs Jimin and he hugs her back. " are you ready" He asked. Lei nods her head like a little kid , Jimin giggles at her and grabs her hand .
"Let's go" Jimin says to Lei , she locks her door and they both walk down to Jimin's Car. They get into the car and Jimin drives to the park .

Skip Time 3pm at the park
Jimin and Lei were at the park for hours , they want to stay from couple more hours and then head back home.
I've been at the park with Jimin for about 5 hours but I want to leave at 6pm. It's been a really good day since I'm with Jimin.
Ive been friends with him since I was 6 he's 24 now . He had a girlfriend but they broke up 3 years ago . She was being rude to me all the time , Jimin didn't like that and then she was cheating so he broke up with her. He doesn't date anymore because of that. I helped him cheer up after his breakup , he comes to my house every weekend to hangout. And now we have this picnic which is really fun.

" hey Jimin do you want to go in the woods" I do an evil laugh . He looks at me and laughs .
Jimin : " should I say yessss .. hmmmm"
"Please" I beg him and he finally says yes .
So we get up from our picnic head into the woods .

We've been in the woods for 40 minutes and it's getting dark. I want to head back before it's 6 so I can watch a movie.
" Jimin it's about to get dark do you want to head back"
Jimin: " wait can we walk to this pond over there"
" fine"
I walk with him over there but when I got to the pond it felt like we were being watched.
I whisper to Jimin
" ay Jimin , something doesn't feel right"
Jimin: "What's wrong Lei"
" I just feel like we are being watched"
Jimin looked at me confused and then looks around.
Jimin: " I'm with you so don't be scared"
I look out and saw something move in the woods.
I grab jimin's arm and started shaking.
" Jimin something just moved in the woods"
Jimin: "wha-"
Then a branch snapped and then we hear the sound of something running. Jimin grabs my hand and we started running .
" Jimin want to go home"
We kept running until we got lost.
Jimin: " no"
" great"
We are lost in the woods and it's getting really dark.
End of Lei POV

Lei and Jimin stopped in this area to catch their breath's. Until they heard another noise coming from behind them . Jimin told Lei to go hide but she wanted Jimin to come . He told her to go hide in trees somewhere.

I tell Lei to hide in a tree somewhere so she won't get hurt. I wait for the noise to get closer to me . Then I saw a person coming towards me . They got closer to me , I couldn't see their face because they were wearing a mask.
Mask guy: " what you doing out here pretty boy"
" what do you want"
Mask guy: " I don't want anything ... are you lost or something"
I gulped , I was nervous to tell him.
" No I'm not .. I just came here"
He tilted his head and whistled
Mask guy: " well you shouldn't be out here bad stuff can happen out here"
" what do you mean"
The guy laughed and looked down
Mask guy: " you haven't heard the story about the girl who came to these woods and was never seen again."
This guy is very odd and weird ...
" interesting to hear but I'll be heading back out"
I try to walk away but the guy grabs my shoulder.
" hey get off of me"
He whistles again
Mask guy: " oh and your little friend over there is in the best hiding spot" he laughs like a maniac
I look over to Lei and there's a guy holding her coming her mouth.
" LEI!!!"
I try to run to her but I was hit in the head and lost balance . Last thing I saw was Lei being dragged away while screaming .
End of jimin's POV

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