Bad Jokes and Styles

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Kat's POV

Beautiful Morning Today

Got my blue dress with matching hat today. Left the house before the guys woke up. Going to tha park today, park today. I feel so musical today. I sit in a bench and start singing.

"Did you just made that song up?" Someone says

I look next to me Harry Styles was sitting next to me. I want to throw up now. The memories of my boss and management forcing me to date him.

"Is something wrong. You look sick" Harry asks

"Huh um... nothing wrong you just um.... s-surprised me"

"Anyway that song did you just made it up"


I got an idea what if I sing or write a song with Harry instead of dating him or just become close friends.

"If I was a volcano and I saw you guess what I'll tell you"

"I don't know. What Harry? "

"Your are smoking hot"

"You got it wrong Styles. You're supposed to say after that 'I Lava You'."


"You need to practice your jokes Styles, no offense "

"What if I take you to meet the the rest of One Direction"

"Sure. I would like to meet them. But things might get akward with me and Niall"

"Oh yeah. You dated him and you broke up. Why did you broke up with him anyway?"

"The distance. We never see each other because of touring and stuff"

"Well things won't get akward"

Harry stands up and grabs my hand and leads me to their apartment. We reach to his apartment. He opens the door and the Liam is watching tv with Zayn. Niall is eating of course. And Louis is on his phone.

"Hey guys remember Kat the singer that gave us our AMA"

"Oh yeah she's a cute. Why?" Liam says

"You think I'm cute" I say

Liam falls from the couch. He's probably surprised I was there.

"I didn't know she was there. I almost got a heart attack lad."

Niall chokes on his food because he hasn't seen me since the AMAs and when we were dating.

"It's ok. You're not the only one surprised"

"Well I wanted to introduce you guys to Kat. Well the rest of the lads because Nialler here actually dated her." Harry says

"I have somewhere to go" Niall says quickly

"You're staying here" Harry says grabbing Niall so he won't leave

"Harry just let him go. It's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Super Sure" I say

After Niall leaves. Harry introduces me to the lads. We were hanging out for a few hours until I get a call.

"I'm going to answer this" I say

I go to one of the rooms and I answer the call.


"Where are you" Ash says

"With someone why?"

"With Luke?" He says

"Why does everyone think I'm with Luke?"


"Because why?"

"I thought you liked him"


"We all thought that " He says

"Ash. I don't like him"

"Oh ok then can you come here"

"Can't. I'm with some guys right now."

"What guys?" He says surprised

"Well I have to go Bye" I say quickly

I go back to the living room. And I sit down next to Harry and Zayn.

"Something wrong?" Liam says

"Someone close called me"

"Your boyfriend?" Harry asks

"I don't have a boyfriend"

"Why does a pretty girl like you not have a girlfriend?" Harry says

I start blushing. I really didn't expect that answer. He is actually nice once you meet him.

"You made her uncomfortable Hazza" Louis says

"No I didn't"

"Yeah you did. She's red as a tomato"

I start blushing even more now. I don't know what to do. Zayn tells us that we should watch a movie. We make popcorn and get some blankets. Louis turns off the lights and we watch the movie. Harry puts his shoulder over me. By the middle of the movie we were basically cuddling with each other. I didn't realize it until Niall comes back and tells us this.

"Hazza why are you cuddling with Kat?"


We look at each other and we move a few inches away from each other. Niall comes with a bowl of chips and sits between us.

"Is Nialler jealous?" Louis says

"I'm not jealous."

"Then let the lovebirds cuddle and kiss each other" Liam says

"We're not even dating" I say

"Well I bet they will and Nialler here has to get used to his ex" Zayn says

When Zayn said that I really got scared. I wonder if he knows. I wonder if Harry likes me. Why was he cuddling with me? Why did Niall get jealous? I get another phone call this time it was Luke.

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