Chapter 18

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The three friends started their journey to Incheon. The driver, Mingyu seemed to not be pleased by this idea. Wonwoo who was beside him tried to convince the latter but got ignored. When Wonwoo said that he wanted to help Jeongin, Mingyu was totally against it. He said that it would just add more problems to the problems that they already had. They all knew Jeongin got himself around demons and stuff. But Wonwoo still insisted on helping the boy. He still believed that the boy could be saved. The two got into a pretty intense argument when they got home.

The last time Wonwoo helped the boy, they got attacked by a wolf demon. Mingyu didn't want something worse than that happened to them. And Wonwoo still wanted to help Jeongin. The fact that Mingyu followed too was because Wonwoo said that he would go all by himself even if Mingyu didn't want to. Worried about his boyfriend's safety, Mingyu got no choice but to follow. He's been forced by Wonwoo.

"You guys don't have to do this, you know. We can get help from a priest or something. I told you all that because I need someone to talk to." Hansol said as he could feel the intense air around the couple.

"I feel like I'm the one who needs to be blamed here." Hansol continued.

"I tag along because I'm worried about his safety. So tell this stubborn kid to cancel this." Mingyu said as he bit his inner cheek.

"I'm still going whether you like it or not." Wonwoo rolled his eyes.

Everyone was in the car, but it didn't move. Mingyu just sat on the driver's seat, not stepping on the pedal. He looked hella pissed off. Wonwoo looked at his boyfriend and sighed.

"If you wanna waste time like this, I can get public transport. Let's go, Vernon." Wonwoo said as he exited the car.

Mingyu groaned and stepped out of the car. He grabbed Wonwoo by the arm as they looked at each other. Hansol just awkwardly stood at the back. The two exchanged looks, both were angry.

"What?" Wonwoo asked.

Mingyu let out a loud sigh and hugged his boyfriend. Wonwoo remained frozen.

"Please..." Mingyu whispered to Wonwoo's ear.

"If something happened to you, I can't forgive myself. If you get hurt, I will blame myself for the rest of my life. I can't live without you, Wonu." Mingyu tightened the hug.

Wonwoo wrapped his arms around Mingyu's waist. He could feel his boyfriend was trembling.

"You need to understand. He is the first human that I've ever met that has the same ability as me. He reminded me of my younger self. I will forever be haunted by guiltiness if I don't help him." Wonwoo said.

"You make me accept who I am. Accept my gift. Overcome my fear. But he makes me want to use my gift to do good deeds. To know that my gift has a purpose." Wonwoo continued.

There was silence for a while. After a moment, Mingyu broke the hug. He intertwined his hands with Wonwoo's as he looked down.

"Fine, but we only meet him if there's a priest with us. Your aura maybe can protect you from those 'things' but it also attracts 'them'." Mingyu said.

"I promise." Wonwoo replied.

And they all got back into the car and drove away. They knew this was not the same as visiting the boy in the hospital. This might take some time. So, they prepared by booking a cheap motel near Jeongin's house for a few days. It's a big no that they're gonna stay at Jeongin's house with all those demons wandering around. Even Hansol booked a room for himself. And they agreed to only go to Jeongin's house with the presence of a priest. They didn't know what could happen. Wonwoo might have some protection but he's not a professional in this field.

Gifted: The Revelation (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now