Thursday September 3rd 2020

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I'm leaving for school in an hour and I'm freaking out, what if I go in the wrong classroom? What if I never make friends and I'm the school loner? Sure I'm pretty introverted and shy but no one want's to be the school loner. What if people think I'm a freak and avoid me? That couldn't happen or could it?Yesterday, Alex told me some drama or "tea" that they got from they're sister Danielle but everyone calls her Dani (pronounced Dan-ee) who got it from one of her classmates who got it from her girlfriend and so on... Anyway, apparently someone saw Elliot kissing this random girl who had a gothic look (I know her and know that she didn't do that) so Alex was upset and had this massive argument with Elliot so I comforted Alex and reassured them that Elliot wouldn't do that to them and that the girl (her names Rachel) is Bisexual but isn't attracted to boys (she's attracted to every gender except boys if that makes sense).So I'm back from school and my first day was okay, I kind of made a new friend well the person sitting next to me in form talked to me a bit. The first day was just basically my form teacher introducing herself and getting to know us a bit. The person next to me is called Lucas, which is pretty close to my name. I sat with Lucas at lunch but I was alone at break which made me upset (like I said I can name my emotions easily). I gave Lucas my phone number so we can text each other so far our texts have been: Lucas: hiMe: hiLucas: is this Luke?Me: yeah is this Lucas?Lucas: YeahSee pretty boring. I forgot to describe Lucas, he has short, messy ginger hair, he sometimes winces when someone nudges his ribs or near that area like his ribs are bruised or something like that. No, I haven't been stalking him, watching his every move I'm just better at noticing little things about people. I have to go, Lucas is face timing me, I probably won't write in here again today.

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