Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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The next few weeks passed as if nothing happened. At dinner each night, we did not discuss the Deatheater attack or the World Cup match. When we traveled to Diagon Alley for school books and new robes, including formal garments for a ball on Christmas, the subject of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons coming to Hogwarts occupied most of the day, but nothing was said about 'former' Deatheater Igor Karkaroff.

On the morning of our trip back to Hogwarts, Draco and I sat at breakfast with our mum. Trunks packed and in the drawing-room ready to be taken to King's Cross, I was ready to return for my sixth year. Dad had gone to the Ministry early in the morning before I fully awoke from my dream of being back at Hogwarts with my friends.

"Mum," I started, thinking we had spent long enough in silence. "When will dad be back?"

"Any moment now. He said he would return for breakfast, as he only had to deliver something to Cornelius." She sipped her tea and ensured she would make no eye contact with me, no matter how hard I stared at her.

"I think it is ridiculous they won't hold quidditch this year for the Triwizard Tournament. They don't have to use the pitch the entire time, do they?" Draco was pissed about not being able to play this year. I was too when dad first told me, but I figured it would be better so I could focus on my classes instead.

"They could have used Krum as our seeker instead of you," I teased him. "Then we might win the Cup!"

Draco stood, leaning over the table in a threatening way and pointed his wand at me.

"Go ahead. We both know I inherited dad's dueling skills and you did not." I pointed my wand back at him. We both jumped when a loud crack was heard outside our front door – dad was home.

He came through the door and went immediately into his study, locking the door behind him. Draco and I stared in that direction until we saw our father walk back out and toward us. He kissed our mother on the cheek and sat at the head of the table, looking at Draco and me who were still standing and gripping our wands.

"Sit down, children," he said. "And wands away. Your mother has told you before about dueling at the table."

"How was the Ministry, father?" Draco asked, with a clear intent to suck up to him.

"Fine. Fudge and Crouch were arguing over age limits, claiming the tournament is too dangerous for young competitors. Even Aurora may be too young to compete!"

"I don't want to compete anyway. If I am too young, then they can only accept seventh-year students from Hogwarts. That vastly limits our pool of eligible contenders."

"I knew I should have sent you both to Durmstrang. Your mother would not hear of it." At that statement, mum slammed her teaspoon down and pointed a finger at dad.

"I told you they need not attend a school so far away. We attended Hogwarts, and so could they."

Dad sighed loudly. If there is anyone with whom he would comply regarding decisions for his children, it was my mother.

Platform 9 ¾ was bustling with students and parents, moving trunks and handling animal cages toward the Hogwarts Express. I hugged my parents and told them I would write to them after the first week of classes.

Once on board, I immediately went to the same car my friends and I shared for the last five journeys to Hogwarts. Though some friends had since graduated and new friends had been added since our first train ride, that consistency felt safe. It felt comfortable.

Catie was already inside the car, with two boys. As I walked through the opening, she immediately shot me a look that could only say "What took you so long?" and I felt my heart skip several beats. She was sitting with Adrian and Terence Higgs. Neither boy was looking at the other, and they were sitting as far away as possible from the other in the car.

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