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Alex paces up and down his living room, pulling out his hair to let out some frustration. For days now he's been holding back, doing anything to take his mind off of it, watching hours of YouTube, overtime at work, listening to music. He's tried it all, he's getting distracted now loosing that concentration that's been building for days. That word word finally stops him from pacing


That name that's been haunting him, stalking him in his dreams, in his nightmares. He can't stop thinking about it, every thought consumed by them 4 letters, eating him. Preying on his vulnerability, hunting him down in his most precious moments. Now is one of them times, he's open, letting them consume his mind. Taking over his body and letting more water out the dam...


He's sitting next to will around a big table, he glances up, catching the eye of the two men opposite him true gordie and Jaackmaate. The other two people on the table start laughing, Lawrence and Stephen. They are filming the Christmas podcast for true gordie, he's having fun but not really listening. Every time Alex tries to speak he gets interrupted or laughed at, it's draining. Alex knows it's supposed to be funny but he can't help but get fed up of his friends constantly making fun of him.

Alex is talking, telling a story about someone famous he met when Stephen cuts him off and makes a joke, everyone erupts in laughter while Alex tries to keep taking. Will notices this and slips his hand over Alex's under the table, Alex feels this and looks at will confused. Will squeezes Alex's hand smiles and nods, just to remind him he's there.

Will never removes his hand from Alex's the entire podcast, Alex doesn't mind, he's just glad someone cares about him.

Over the next 2 hours of filming will sticks up for Alex multiple times, telling Stephen to take it easy on Alex, squeezing his hand when he gets interrupted in conversation.

Alex was very happy that day, thanking will for everything he's done for him and buying him some chocolates to say thank you for being there.
He really loves will
A lot


Alex is on his sofa, his head in is soft hands. Tears streaming down his face dripping into his hands. He doesn't fight it, doesn't get angry. Not this time. He just lets it happen. Let's the waves flow past, taking him under the waters, almost drowning under the weight of the amount he's gone through in the past month.
He misses will, his laugh, his hair, his happiness, his loyalty and his very square head ( sorry I had to )
He can feel wills hand on his now, it makes him feel safe, like he's back in that room feeling will squeeze his hand every so often. Reassuring him that everything's gonna be okay.

"Will please come back"

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