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Alex turns again, facing the window now, opening his eyes slightly peering over to the flowing curtains that hide the window. he watches it swim down the wall draping over the windowsill, lightly bouncing in the wind as the breeze sweeps his eyes closed again, desperate to make him  fall into unconsciousness.

Alex has had trouble sleeping for a couple of days after seeing that photo, it unnerved him made  memories flood in unwelcomed after being repressed for years. there is one memories that Alex is having trouble stopping from coming back, a special one. one of George.


Alex is laying in bed , shaking.  it was the middle of winter and he's freezing, wrapped up in two duvets and Georges fluffy blanket. he grabs at the blanket desperately trying to gain any warmth to his tiny frame. the blanket is by his face now tickling his nose, he sighs taking a deep breath in and immediately being intoxicated by the fumes.the blanket was smothered in the George's scent, he breathes deeper into the smell, the scent travelling down his nose into his body warming him up straight away.

his mind wonders to George, he wonders what he's doing currently if he's as frozen as Alex is right now. he ponders going into his room to see if he's okay. he decides not to, refraining from his urges as he slides deeper into the bed trying to sleep.

its been an hour now and Alex hasn't slept , he's about to go and see if George is up or he'll go insane.

Alex creeps out his room and makes his way down the hallway and lightly knocks on George's room, there was no answer. he slowly opens his friends door, creeping in the room he looks down admiring the sight bellow him. it was George in bed, blankets bunched up against his neck, his pretty face peaking out the dark material. he slowly makes his way round the other side of the bed, lifting the covers he slides his body next to the smaller boys frame. he gets comfortable facing George's back which is covered in a plain black top. his eyes slowly droop as he feels movement from his friend next to him, he feels George turn around, wrapping the blanket over both of their shaking bodies. curious, Alex slightly opens his eyes, trying to look at the small man laying facing him..

Alex opens his eyes fully meeting George's half opened ones, he watches glancing down his face admiring all his features, his eyes brush over his jawline and up to his slightly pointed chin, he follows his way up to his lips. his lips are parted breath flowing in and out lightly, the colour of cherry's fill the lines  of his mouth , slightly chapped as a result of the cold weather. his eyes keep travelling up to his small nose, the bridge making his features glide into his mouth, his nostrils small and deep perfectly matching the mans petite features. then finally his eyes, Alex's   favourite feature of his best friends face, so soft in shape but bright in colour, like a pool of diamonds flowing into alexs mind making him drunk off the slight of them. the eyes he thinks about constantly are staring back at him, deeply longing to be allowed to intoxicate alex, wanting to let the blue endless pools drown him, wishing he could stay here forever, forever in his sky blue pools.


Alex slumps in bed, wishing he never remembered that day, wishing he could remove the sight of the blue pools from his mind. he sits up, rubbing his face, moister covering his finger tips as he realises he's been crying. his eyes widen at the feeling of his damp cheek. this was the first time he'd cried since his friends went missing. angrily he stands up, punching his wall. blood seeps from his wounds as he stumbles into the kitchen, needing something, anything, to numb him pain. the pain of remembering, the pain of letting himself fall, the pain of his hand.

he wishes he never remembered....

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