#8 The Forgotten

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"I don't believe you," David says, "She was practically drooling over you on the field, dude. Are you telling me nothing happened when she ambushed you at the parking lot?"

"I wasn't in the mood," I tell him. "In the mood? She was smoking hot! What else you need to get in the mood?" Peter says. He's right. That cheerleader from the school we'd the match against yesterday was indeed hot. And the way she came onto me I could tell she would be a freak on the bed. But I didn't do anything. When you're not in the mood, you're not in the mood.

"Whatever, man. I'm sure she'll find me again," I say smirking. Girls are persistent.

My friends and I are now hanging back at the school after practice. My phone beeps. I check the message. It's from Anna.

"She found you already?" Peter asks. "What?" I ask looking up from the phone. "Is that text from the cheerleader?" "No," I tell him. "Then who is making you smile like that?" he asks before coming over and looking at my phone. "Ah, your girlfriend," he says.

"What did she text?" David asks. "She wants to talk to him," Peter replies. "She's moving on him sooner than we thought," Alan says. Alan thinks Anna likes me and will use being my fake girlfriend as an excuse to get me. "I don't think so. She's not like the others," David says.

I agree with David. The last time I was with Anna, at the dinner party, she didn't show any interest in me. It was the first time I was in a girl's company where the girl couldn't wait to leave my side. And I gotta admit, it bothered me a bit that she wasn't affected by me, especially when she was the one who kissed me.

I don't believe her reason that she chose me to kiss because I was distracted at the mall. She chose me because she wanted a good looking guy to be kissing her on the photo, not just any random dude. So she must find me attractive at some level, right?

I call her. "Where are you?" she asks. "At school," I tell her. "Great! I'm outside your school. I need to see you," she says. "What?" I say, standing up abruptly. She shouldn't be here. I don't want anyone from my school to see her. "Where outside?" I ask.

"Under the tree near the corner streetlight," she says. I sigh. No one will notice her there. Although most of them had already gone home, there are still a few students and staff at the school. "Wait right there. I'll be out in a second."

"She's here?" Peter asks. I don't reply him and bolt out of the classroom. Outside, I grab her hand and take her to my car. "Wait, I just want to talk," she says. "We'll talk inside," I say, opening the door for her. She reluctantly gets in.

After I get in, she says, "What? You don't want anyone in your school to see us together?"

"What did you want to talk about?" I say, changing the subject. I don't want to let her know that I don't want us to be seen together by anyone in my school for her own good.

"I saw your sister today at my parents' shop. She told me she knows that I'm your fake girlfriend!" she says anxiously. "Oh," I say.

"Oh? That's it? You're not worried?"

I breathe out. I know Ruth would find out one day or another. She's too sly to not notice what's happening. "There's nothing to worry about. She won't cause us any problem."

Anna laughs. "You gotta be kidding me! She pretty much blackmailed me and told me to come with you and your family to the lake this Saturday, or else she would tell everyone the truth."

The lake? Shit, I forgot to tell Anna about the trip. "I forgot to tell you. My mom wants you to come, too."

She looks at me with her mouth open. "That is not important, Joe. Focus on what your sister told me!" she says.

"Look, Anna, you don't have to take her seriously. She's just all talk. She won't tell anyone. Don't worry."

"Are you sure?"

"I am. Our secret is safe with her."

She sighs, relieved. "Alright, then, I'm not going to the lake."

I smile. "I didn't say you could do that," I tell her.

"But you just told me I don't have to take her seriously!"

"You don't. But you do have to take me seriously. I need you to come on the trip with me."

"You didn't even remember there was a trip till I reminded you! Clearly, it's not important. Why do I've to come?"

"You reminded me now," I tell her smirking. She looks at me like I'm the devil. "What is wrong with you and your sister? You can't just go around blackmailing people," she says.

I lean towards her. "And you can't just go around kissing people," I tell her. She looks like a guilty puppy with its ears down and tail tucked in, and looks away. I never thought I would ever make a girl feel bad for kissing me, but here I am, thoroughly enjoying it. "Fine," she mumbles before reaching for the door. "Stay. I'll drive you home. My practice is over," I say.

She looks back at me. "You're not the only one who doesn't want us to be seen together," she says and gets out of the car, closing the door behind her. Instinctively my grip tightens on the steering wheel. I never thought I would ever get angry at a girl, either. 


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