#21 The Camp

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POV Anna

"Where will you go first?" I ask Mason.

"Maybe Europe?" he says.

"Sounds great."

Mason wants to travel after graduation. I never knew he was into the nomad life.

After the fallout with Joe — I can't really say it's a breakup since we never dated — I decided to not hold a grudge against Mason. I don't have the right to judge anyone.

I didn't get back with Mason though, since I couldn't find myself to like him the way I used to, and also because I fell for Joe.

It was so cliche of me. I was even laughing at my situation in a bus stop — while scaring the poor old lady standing beside me — thinking about how I've become one of those romcom girls who slept with a playboy for fun and then fell for him.

"Have you started packing yet?" Mason asks. I groan. He laughs. He knows I'm allergic to outdoor activities.

Recently the Nokman Reserved Forest was opened by the government for camping for high school students. All the schools in my neighborhood are sending their seniors to the forest for a week of camping to test how it goes, so they could later make it a regular trip in their schools.

Even though I'll be with my friends, it'll be a week of pure torture.

"Please tell me you brought shoes with you," I say to Marge.

"These are shoes!" she says pointing at her heels.

"Just so you know, if a bear chases us we're leaving you behind," Lizzie says to Marge.

We're now walking to our cabins. The camp activities are not as terrifying as I'd imagined first. However there is a trekking, which I'll have to skip saying I've menstrual cramps — it works every time.

Our first day goes smoothly till we wake up the next day because of Marge's screaming. Her hands are covered in mosquito bites. The girl didn't bring her mosquito repellant. I don't know what the hell she stuffed her bags with, they weighed like they were filled with rocks, but she has nothing useful in there.

So the first thing we decide to do today is buy whatever she needs to survive in the wilderness. Luckily we're not too far from a small town nearby. There are shops there that know people like Marge exist who come unprepared, so we'll be able to find everything she might need there.

In the town, before checking off our shopping list we decide to grab coffee. There's a coffee shop near the camp equipments store. It's no Starbucks but the coffee smells good.

We grab our cups and leave. While talking to us, Marge doesn't see in front of her and bumps into a group of boys around our age, spilling her hot cup of coffee over the hottest guy in the group.

"Shit," he mutters and tugs at his t-shirt so the scathing coffee doesn't touch his skin. Marge starts to apologize.

Swearing again, the guy finally decides to take off his top, since the coffee has spread through the fabric, giving us a glorious view of his six pack. "Damn," Marge speaks out our minds while looking at his muscles. The guy glares at her and she says, "I mean, Dammit, I hope it didn't burn you."

Lizzie and I struggle to muffle our laughter, unlike the guy's friends who are openly laughing at their friend's misfortune.

Then the guy looks at me, at what I'm wearing to be specific — an oversized hoodie. "Take it off," he commands.

Shocked, I say, "This is mine!"

"Oh, come on, let him have it. You're wearing a t-shirt inside," says the guilty Marge to me.

"I only recently bought it," I tell her. I suddenly feel very attached to this hoodie now. I won't give it to anyone.

"Take it off before I take it off of you," she threatens. I frown at her before slowly taking off my now made as the most favorite top I own and give it to the half naked boy.

He thrusts his soiled t-shirt to me, takes my hoodie and wears it. The hoodie was almost thrice large on me, and now it fits him snugly. I give him back his t-shirt but he says, "Wash it and return to me."

I glare at Marge, she quickly takes the t-shirt away from me and says to him she'll do it and asks him where to return it. His school is also camping in the forest so he gives us his cabin address.

"Don't damage my hoodie, and return it," I say to him as Marge drags me past him.

"It's not like I'm planning on shredding it to pieces. I'm sure your hoodie will just be fine," he mocks me. "You already shrunk it," I mutter, referring to how the oversized hoodie of mine fits him.

"Seriously?" he says. "Stop wearing guys' clothes," he adds.

I twist around to face him while my friends are still dragging me away from him, from my hoodie. "It's called loose fit clothes. It's fashion!"

"Looking like you're drowning in your clothes is fashion? I've never worn something like that ridiculous," he says.

"Of course you didn't. You probably couldn't find anything large enough to look loose on you. Why don't you loose some of that fat!"

"Fat? Really? Don't act like you and your friends weren't checking out my abs. You're lucky you got to see it up close," he says.

I part my lips, getting ready to insult his body like he has never been insulted before in his life, but Marge covers my mouth and my friends drag me around the corner. My target is out of visibility.

The next day, Marge puts the guy's clean t-shirt in a paper bag to give it to him in order to rescue my hoodie he's holding as the hostage, but before she could get out the door Lizzie enters and says, "There's a new school arrived here for camping."

"Which one?" Marge asks.

"Parson High."  


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