#11 : Chase

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The atmosphere on Cang Qiong Mountains was full of worry. Upon Peak Lord Shen's insisting, the date of the final judgement was set to be one month later. Everyone knew that the longer one stayed in the Water Prison, the more they would suffer. Peak Lord Shang had tried to meet Peak Lord Shen two days after he was imprisoned, but could not. Luo Binghe had issued an order that no one except him was allowed to enter the Water Prison, even if they had the authorized waist-card.

The weekly meeting also became solemn. "How could he be so cruel to his own Shizun?" Xiuying punched a pillow. "Binghe is not the same anymore..." Chuntao said in a disheartened tone. Qiaohui patted her back to console her. "Peak Lord Shen must be truly saddened by the state of his once favourite disciple." a third disciple sighed. Mingyan had also not expected things to turn out this bad. "Didn't they have feelings for each other once upon a time?" she thought. "Didn't they exchange glances at Jinlan city? But then, even the glances were off. Instead of being happy about seeing each other, it was as if one was hurt by the presence and words of the other, from both sides. How did this happen? Why did this happen?"

The next morning, there was news and chaos: Peak Lord Shen had managed to escape the Water Prison and had killed a number of Huan Hua Palace disciples in the process. Mingyan was glad that he escaped but was doubtful about the killings - Master Shen was not a violent person. Peak Lord Shang mentioned something about Peak Lord Shen wanting to go to Huayue city and concluded that he must have gone in that direction. A reward was announced by Huan Hua Palace for the one who caught the escaped prisoner. Cultivators from all large and small sects were busy looking for the escapee. If Cang Qiong Mountain Sect could find him before anyone else, they could change the situation and Peak Lord Shen's fate. 

Liu Qingge left immediately after he heard of Master Shen's whereabouts. Sect Master Yue formed a search party that left not long after Liu Qingge. This group consisted mostly of Qing Jing Peak disciples, but some Peak Lords and disciples of other Peaks were also there. Mingyan and Xiuying were among them.

When they reached Huayue city, they ran into groups of cultivators after every two steps. They all spoke of Peak Lord Shen like some trophy they could win to gain rewards. They frowned upon seeing disciples of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect and some younger ones even tried to pick fights with them. Mingyan and Xiuying stayed out of their way while continuing to look for Peak Lord Shen. Since the city was celebrating its day of establishment and almost everyone was on the streets wearing masks, the task was truly difficult. But nobody gave up. When the night grew deeper, the seniors in the group arranged inns to rest and kept looking around the city in shifts. There was no word from Liu Qingge after he left. Mingyan was worried for him as well. He cared a lot about Peak Lord Shen and probably did not even stop to rest. Everyone was getting anxious and restless, but they did not lose hope.

The next day, everyone was forced to gather outside a wine shop when a fight broke out between the disciples of Qing Jing Peak and Huan Hua Palace. It got to physical violence but nobody entered the shop to put a stop to it. A lot of the cultivators were enjoying the fight and some even murmured about how both the sides should just fight to death and perish. How shallow were these people? They spoke of justice and righteousness but actually wished ill things for others. Mingyan and Xiuying were quite a distance away from the shop and were pushing through the crowd to get there when they heard a cat yelp in fright.

A cat had somehow managed to get inside the wine shop and add to the havoc. An old man followed in immediately to retrieve it. Few minutes later there was complete silence in the shop. Mingayan and Xiuying reached to the front of the crowed and heard Qing Jing Peak disciples crying and calling out 'Shizun'. The old man who had entered the wine shop was actually Peak Lord Shen! He had gone in there to help his disciples even when he was in danger! When he came out with everyone else, fear and uneasiness were all over his face. The gathered cultivators took no time to corner him - they all set in formations.

Peak Lord Shen leaped and landed on the roof of the shop. He then took a deep breath and yelled, "Liu Qingge!" Mingyan was relieved; finally they would be able to rescue Peak Lord Shen. A cultivator flew on his sword and reached the height of the roof. "Shen Qingqiu, you're so evil!" he yelled. "Did you purposefully run here and draw all of the manpower from various sects in a single place just so you could collude with the Demon race and round up everyone in one fell swoop? Do you want to re-enact the tragedy of the Immortal Alliance Conference? My Ba Qi Clan won't let you get your way!" Mingyan did not care anymore, she knew her brother was on his way and all this would end soon. As expected, Liu Qingge entered the scene flying on his sword like a boss and even managed to throw the yelling cultivator to the ground. Now all that was left was for the two of them to fly back to Cang Qiong Mountains. There was a very brief, inaudible interaction between the two which ended with Master Shen mounting on Chen Luan Sword along with Liu Qingge. Why was Peak Lord Shen not drawing his sword? Even before that, why did he call for help when he could just fly by himself? The poison! The  poison in Master Shen's body must have flared up! It was truly unfortunate for Peak Lord Shen to be almost powerless at such a crucial moment. Mingyan eagerly waited for the two to fly away and mentally prepared to cut down anyone who interfered with their escape. But instead of flying towards Cang Qiong Mountains, Chen Luan Sword flew in the opposite direction!

The gathered cultivators ran after them and hurled insults at them and the Sect. Mingyan, Xiuying and some Sect disciples followed Chen Luan and even injured cultivators as they went. When the mob caught up, the two Peak Lords had landed on the lower eaves of the tallest building in the city...

and Luo Binghe was standing behind them with a cold, menacing smile.

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