Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I have been Kahl Drogo's handmade for almost a year now. I tend to his every need. Well, almost. Recently he has taken a Kahleesi named Daenerys Targaryen and she brought along her brother Viserys Targaryen. Since they have been here, all we have heard is how he is the dragon and that he is a king and should be treated as such. When the Kahleesi is around, she allows him to grope me and tell me that when he gets his crown that Kahl Drogo has promised him that he will take me as his slave and mount me like the whore I am. He doesn't dare do this around Kahl Drogo. One of our men, Kovarro, asks "Shall I tell the Kahl?" I shake my head and say "No. It is no bother." before going about my duties.

Kahl comes back from taking over a village and Kahleesi has ordered that the men take the woman as their wives and not as whores. While this pleases me, Rakharo tells Kahl and Kahleesi that he will not listen to her and they fight. Even though our mighty Kahl wins, he is injured. He has a deep gash on his chest. "Erinn, bring the healing supplies." Kahleesi commands and I do as she asks. "Moon of my life, it is just a scratch." he tells her as I walk up and see so much love in his eyes as he looks at her and I feel jealous. She begins to clean and wrap his wound when a woman from the captured speaks. "I can heal him." she says and I can tell she is not being truthful. Kahleesi looks at her and I see her considering it. "Kahleesi, she is but a witch. You cannot trust her." I softly tell her and she glares at me. "You know nothing. You are simply a common slave." she tells me and I nod before stepping away.

After the witch is in the tent with the Kahl, the Kahleesi begins to argue with another one of our blood riders and is thrown to the ground on her pregnant stomach. Jorah Mormont picks her up and carries her inside the tent. Once everything is said and done, Jorah comes out to tell us that the Kahl is dead and the Kahleesi has lost our unborn Kahl. We all mourn and when night falls, our Kahleesi sets the pire alight and begins to burn our Kahl. The next morning, camp has been picked up and lead away.

I, however, stayed behind. Dothraki myth is that a Kahl will not burn if his soul is still attached. Once his soul detaches and moves to the other side, his body will burn and a new Kahl is announced or the Kahleesi takes over. Our Kahl is still attached.

I was born with what my mother said was a gift. My father said was a curse. I can bring the dead back to life if their soul is still attached. Seeing that the Kahl's was, I move to his side and begin my chant. "Na la chi ma. Na la chi ma. Na la chi ma." I chant over and over and after a little while, Kahl Drogo takes in a deep breath, looking at me. He sits up and I jump back. He looks around and sees that the entire camp is gone. "Where is my Kahlasaar?" he asks. I kneel before him and say "They have moved on with your Kahleesi, sire." I say. He looks at me and goes to stand. "What happened to me?" he asks. "You were cut. Kahleesi had you taken to your tent with a witch who said she could heal you. You destroyed her village and took her prisoner, why would she help? But Kahleesi would not listen, sire. She allowed her to work her black magic on you and you were not able of moving and she used a pillow to smother you. She was shoved to the ground and your unborn Kahl has gone to the other side. I am sorry sire." I say as I look down. Tilting my chin up he asks "How did you bring me back?" he asks. "I can bring the dead back to life." I tell him. "How?" he asks. "My father said it is a curse. My mother a gift. If a soul has not detached from the body, I can bring the person back before they cross over." I tell him. "Why did you bring me back?" he asks. "Because you have always been good to me sire. I could not just leave you." I tell him. "You are loyal to me, Erinn. That shall not be forgotten. Which way did my Kahlasaar go?" he asks. I point in the direction and he sees my horse to the side. Walking over, he mounts the horse and looks at me. "Come to me Erinn." I nod and do as he says. He reaches his hand for me to help me onto the horse and I say "Kahleesi no longer desires me in her Kahlasaar." He holds his head high and says "I am no longer dead. It is still mine, I desire you to be." he tells me. I reach for his hand and he pulls me onto the horse and we head in the direction of the Kahlasaar.

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