Chapter 6 - Sophie

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The first thing that came to my head was teleport.

No cliff

The ceiling wasn't high enough

I looked at Keefe for anything slightly questioning with my eyes. Anything at all.

He mouthed "the bathroom". I scrambled to the towards the bathroom but I was too late



Keefe jumped in front of me but it was too late, Dex already saw me

"Sophie?" A different voice, one that I can't place but sounds so familiar. I take a deep breath and step out of Keefe's shadow.

It was Dex and Biana; I looked back and forth at my best friends; staring into their periwinkle and teal eyes. I feel my heartbeat race again and I give them a slight wave.

"Keefe Sencen if this is a prank- you're dead," Biana threatened to Keefe glaring into his soul with her beautiful teal eyes

Keefe let out a nervous laugh. "No-no this is Sophie, she's alive,"

"Hi, guys," I said, wanting to cover my face with my hands but I stared at them.

My best friends.

They both gasp and step forward

"It's really you- Sophie Foster?" Dex asked, rubbing his eyes

I nod

Biana ran towards me and embraced me, warming me. I felt like the sun was flooding my soul. Tears coated and tear duct as I hugged her back. My heart throbbed with happiness. A tear streamed down my cheek- but this was different instead of feeling self-pity, lugubrious, and indignant I felt happy.

Biana leaned back to look at me. She looked like she was crying too. She let out a happy sob. "I thought you were dead," Biana held me tighter.

I felt another pair of arms wrap me. It was Dex. I let go of Biana and enter Dex's embrace

"Dex," I lean back to meet his periwinkle eyes. He blinked his eyes

"I can't believe it's actually you." He held me tighter and I saw a tear trail down his cheek

After we broke apart I wiped a tear from my cheeks

"Sophie," Biana's voice broke and pulled me into a hug again.

"Biana," I buried my head in her neck.

"You guys are going to make me cry," Keefe said and made a big group hug. With all of us in a circle with Dex and Biana on either side of me. We stayed like that for a while

"Sophie, I missed you so so so much," Biana broke the silence

I felt my tears coming back but I held them back. "I missed you- all, too"

After a while feeling safe in my friend's arms I sighed. "You guys probably have some questions,"

"We do but, all that matters is that you're here," Biana smiled and I smiled back. Biana's eyes trailed down my body and looked back up. I felt myself heat up. "Y-you seem different,"

My blush faded and I looked at her discombobulated. "What?"

"Like older," Biana studied me

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