Meeting the soon to be alpha

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      As I sat there frozen in place I didn't know what to do I knew I couldn't outrun the wolf I decided it was best to stay put and not move. I watched as the wolf stared back at me for what seemed like forever before it turns walked behind the nearby tree and then a man no older than 19 came back in a pair of tan cargo shorts, he began walking closer. That's when I got uncomfortable and start taking step backs, I wasn't supposed to go anywhere but school and the packhouse and if I was caught I would be punished. I turned to run but then the man spoke.
   "Who are you and why are you out here?" the man said
   " M-mm-My name is Aria I am an omega in this pack and I come out here to train and be alone. Who are you?" Aria said in a whisper
    "I am Aiden, my Father is alpha of this pack." Aiden straighten up "why don't you train with the rest of the pack"
    "W-w-well I don't think they want me to survive if we were attacked so they don't exactly invite me to train but it's okay I make do," Aria stated proud of the fact she was pretty strong and that was thanks to no one in the pack.
     "Oh well, can you point me to the direction of the packhouse I haven't been here in a while?" Aiden asked
     "Just follow me I'll take you back," Aria said as she walked back toward the packhouse she walked quickly and didn't say anything more to Aiden for fear he was like everyone else. Once they reached to clearing the packhouse was in Aria whipped around and looked up At the 6 ft tall muscular man and pointed to the packhouse. "That is the packhouse."
      " Thank you, Aria was it you've been a big help maybe ill see ya around," Aiden said as he walked toward the house. I walked around to the side entrance went in. I walked into the kitchen only to find Zach and Kyle still sitting at the table.
      "I can't believe he is finally coming home. It's so cool, you know we have to have a party." Zach said 
     "Yeah we should but it has to be a huge party, like inviting the whole pack," Kyle said
     "Inviting the whole pack to what," Aiden said as I walked into the kitchen. Standing behind my brother and beta Kyle was the soon-to-be alpha and their best friend. Both boys had smiles spread across their faces and stood and greeted their new leader.
      "Welcome home man I can't believe its been 12 years" Kyle stated
      " Yeah so gad your home we were thinking of throwing you a party with the whole pack to welcome you back." Zach laughed
      Not wanting to anger anyone I didn't listen any longer, I turned to rush off to my room and change before someone noticed I was in workout-out clothes, I was stopped by Zach's voice.
       "Aria, what do you think you're doing, you're supposed to be cleaning the new alpha room before he got here and it better be done before he gets tired." Zach raised his voice, Aiden looked at a curious look at Zach and then glanced at me his face full of pity realizing who I was and what my status was. I knew I was a nobody but the looks people gave me when they realized I was a nobody that's what hurt I just wanted to be normal. I wanted to have a friend and go to school without any abuse. I am so far from normal even my wolf is too weak to come out. As Aiden is watching me with his pity-filled eyes following me out of the room I scurried up the stairs to the alpha floor.
      The alpha floor was the floor where the current alpha and his family would stay during their tenure. Right now the current alpha was Aiden's father, he was a kind but strict man. He always treated me fairly. But I knew my place was a lonely omega that was good for nothing but maids work as i wandered down the hall toward the soon to be alpha's room I stared at all the photos some of the pack, some of the alpha family.
               Once I reached the room opened and a small amount of dust stirred up, realizing nobody had been in here in a while I went to the closest cleaning closet and grabbed some supplies. I stopped on the back at the linen shelf and picked some nice clean bedding and ran back to the room and began cleaning. 3 hours later just as I was finishing up the bedroom swung open, it was Kyle, he had come to inspect my work before Aiden came in as Kyle walked in he glanced around. He started walking toward me, at first he looked calm but the closer he got the angrier he got, by the time he got to me his fist was balled up and he was ready to swing when a loud snarl stopped him dead in his tracks merely inches away from swinging at me.
     WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!? Aiden yelled as he walked through the door to his bedroom.
     Kyle stood there dumbfounded his fist still balled up in the air. "I....I.....I...I was going to punish her, she didn't finish her chores earlier so now your room is only clean sub-par. She knows the rules therefore I am punishing her for breaking them." As he says these things his fist was getting closer and closer to me and all of a sudden Kyle was on the other side of the room against the wall.
    " What was that for she is the one that didn't do her chores?" Questioned Kyle
     "My room is fine it seems like you were reaching for a reason to hit the girl and I don't know what she's done to deserve the treatment that y'all have been giving her but no one deserves to be beaten for simply not cleaning a bedroom enough. Besides, I think this is the cleanest this room has been ever."  Aiden stated
        Kyle stood up glaring at me, "Aria you're needed in the kitchen to help start dinner, Go now!" Kyle said through gritted teeth
        I glanced between the 2 men and darted out of the room, I made a quick stop in my room to change my clothes, as I passed the stairs I heard muffled yelling coming from upstairs, I quickened my pace and practically ran into the kitchen. As I stepped into the kitchen I saw Kelley standing there with her hands on her hips.
       "What took you so long dinner needs to be on the table in 45 minutes?"Kelley questioned
      I looked at the ground and quietly spoke "I am sorry Mrs. Kelley I didn't mean to take so long" I began prepping dinner I looked at the menu and saw it was Seafood Alfredo. I mentally sighed, okay let's get started I said to myself.

 I mentally sighed, okay let's get started I said to myself

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