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"I can't believe you're about to leave me!"

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"I can't believe you're about to leave me!"

You sigh, sitting on your bed, your back against the wall. Spencer sits beside you, your thighs and arms touching, a small frown on his face. He looks down at his thighs, fingers tapping on the fabric of his pants.

"It sucks," Spencer simply says.

"It more than sucks, brainiac. My only friend is leaving me."

Spencer looks up at you. "I know. I'm gonna miss you."

His words tug at your heart, and you swallow, averting your gaze. Instead, you focus on the lines in your comforter, trying to distract you from the sadness growing inside of you. It doesn't seem real that your best friend is leaving you. What are you supposed to do without him?

"Hey," Spencer says softly, pulling you out of your thoughts. "Look at me."

You turn your head to meet his eyes, a small smile on his face. You return the smile and he reaches over, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, his hand lingering by your cheek. Butterflies erupt in your stomach—the same butterflies you'd felt two months earlier when the two of you had kissed. Swallowing, you lean into his touch slightly, a light blush washing over Spencer's cheeks.

"Ace." He whispers, his thumb brushing your cheek. "It's not like I'm just going to fade into thin air after I leave here."

"I know," you say quietly, his eyes still searching yours. "Spencer, I—"

"I know."

His grip on your face becomes tighter and he leans over, pressing his lips to yours. You whimper softly as you kiss him back, your right hand snaking up to the side of his neck, pulling him closer to you. It's like the kiss held eight months of history, just waiting to explode. The two of you shift positions, Spencer pushing you down softly until your back hits your bed. He rests between your legs, your lips still connected to his. The kiss is still a little clumsy, but full of something else. Something different from the first time.

Your hands fumble with the hem of his shirt, and he breaks the kiss to pull it over his head. He's lean—and you trace your fingers down his stomach lightly. You take off your shirt, revealing your pink bra, Spencer's hands tracing up your sides slowly. He connects his lips back to yours, slipping his tongue into your mouth. His hands trail to your back, and you arch it slightly so he can mess with the clasp to your bra.

His fingers fumble with it, obviously having trouble unclasping it. You two break away from each other, both laughing as you reach around to help him. His cheeks turn a bright red as his eyes rake across your breasts, his hands resting underneath them.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers, his words causing your cheeks to blush.

"Shut up," you say, pulling him back down to you.

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