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I know this chapter might be a bit long and boring because it's just case stuff and I'm sorry :(

I know this chapter might be a bit long and boring because it's just case stuff and I'm sorry  :(

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"Let's go over the case one more time?"

You lean back in your seat on the jet. "Three women were murdered inside their homes in southeastern New Mexico."

"All strangled, all inside their own homes," Hotch says, tapping his fingers against the armrest of his seat.

"He's high risk and fearless," Morgan states.

"The unsub is a part of the community all three of these women live in," Spencer says, reaching over to lace his fingers through yours.

You give him a little smile and he squeezes your hand. "Which makes it hard to narrow down a profile."

"Hence why Agent Seaver is here," Rossi says.

You glance over at Ashley. The bottle-blonde gives everyone a small smile, looking slightly uncomfortable as she shifts in her seat. Turns out, Ashley has a serial killer father—Charles Beauchamp, the Redmond Ripper. You understand why she's on this case, but you're not too thrilled of a new person messing up the dynamic of an already great team. But Hotch insists she'll be able to help recognize family dynamics within serial killer families, so here she is.

"When we land, we all go to the community neighborhood. We need to see how these people act. That's Agent Seaver's purpose here."

You all nod and you turn to Spencer, giving him a lazy grin. He smiles back at you, his thumb tracing small patterns on the outside of your hand.

"Why are you two so happy today?" Morgan asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Uh, we're moving in together," you reply, feeling butterflies flutter in your stomach.

"I mean, we were practically already living together," Spencer states. "But now it's just official."

"Good for you two," Prentiss says with a smile.

"How long have you two known each other?" Seaver asks from the small couch.

"Oh, nine years." You can't hide the smile in your voice.

"And you're just now moving in together?"

You're taken aback by her comment but smile at her. "Yeah, we went to college together and...it's a little complicated, but we're dating now. That's all that really matters."

She gives you a tight-lipped smile and you turn back to Spencer, giving him an annoyed look. He squeezes your hand in response. The rest of the jet ride is quiet, you and Spencer lazily talking about the case, trying to come up with some ideas. After it lands, you all pile into SUVs: Hotch, Rossi, and Seaver in one; you, Prentiss, Morgan, and Spencer in the other.

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