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For me, I've always believed that people are here for a reason. Some know their purpose. Some don't, like me. Out of my 18 years, I haven't figured out my purpose. I may figure it out soon. I may not ever figure it out. I hope I do figure it out though, because I don't like not knowing.

My parents have found their reason to be here. My fathers is to help people, he is a heart doctor, has been for about 15 years now. My mothers is just to make people happy. She just lightens the room she's in. Her smile is contagious, I swear.

My sister, well, she hasn't found her purpose. She has a lot of time to find it, because she's only 14. She is just like my mom though. She is just a bright, happy girl. We are very close, despite our age difference.

With my family, boyfriend, and the great friends I have, you'd think I would be happier than I am. I'm just, not. I've never really understood it myself. I don't know if it's just the stress of school, but I'm just never truly happy. It almost feels as if something is missing. I can't figure out what it is though. I always act like I'm fully haply though, and it must work because no one has ever asked me about it. I think some people might have realized it, but haven't asked. I'm kinda glad no one has asked though, because it's hard to explain since I don't understand it myself, and I just wouldn't feel comfortable talking about it.

So far, my life is fine, but I'm afraid that something bad is going to happen soon, because something bad always happens to everyone. I'm afraid I'm going to break eventually, and I don't want to be alone when I do. But when I do, who will be there to help my pick up the pieces?

Picking up the Pieces || Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now