A new side of sarah

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*unedited, read at readers risk*

Sarah's POV

I went into the house and saw mom in the living room, I geeted her and was about to go in, but she stopped me before I could go into my room. She asked why I didn't come back home with Stella and ask about her whereabout.

I told her I didn't know where she was and wanted to go into my room again. But she yelled my name

"Omo Sarah, where's your sister and what do you mean by you don't, do you realize is me you're talking to. I knew i shouldn't have Allowed you girls leave this house," my mom was already ranting

"For the last time I'm asking you where is your sister,"my mom asked. The old Sarah would have gotten scared but not this one Stella could find her way back home she wasn't a kid so why was she stressing me even if she got lost I still didn't care, I don't care about selfish betraying bitches.

" What's going on down here," dad said while coming into the living room where we at.

" Kunle, even i don't know,  why don't you ask Sarah. Can you imagine i asked Sarah were stella is she told me she don't know, how can she say she doesn't know didn't they leave this house together and weren't they suppose to come back home together, even if they didn't come back home together at least Sarah was suppose to know her whereabout,"my mom shouted at me furiously. It was all Because of Stella I was getting this treatment.

Suddenly the door bursted open and there comes the queen, Stella stepped in

" Stella where are you coming from, that your sister didn't know about your whereabout," my mom yelled at her, good now we're even. I could even lie about her whereabout

"Mom i didn't want to say it before, but she was with a male friend of hers, I even saw her sneaking out of the house to meet him, she thought we were asleep but i went down to the kitchen to take a bottle of water, when i saw her sneaking out," I said to my, stella looked shock, what she should be grateful i didn't say the whole truth that she slept in a guys house.

"Stella is that true,"  my mom asked her, she was looking furious and was about to blow out in anger she was just holding on for Stella to tell her it wasn't true.

"Mom would i lie to you about something, have I ever done this before,no so if I'm doing this now, it only means I'm speaking the truth," I said

"I'm not asking you to talk in this issue again Sarah, I want to hear from your sister let her defend herself," my mom said to me

" Mom is not true, you can call Sabrina and ask her, I'm not lying, Sarah is just mad at me, we got into a fight and she's forming this whole thing is up," Sarah said to my mom, with teary eyes such a pretender.

"Oh really, I'm just making this whole thing up, I can't believe this," I said to her while she glared at me.

My mom called Sabrina and asked if what I said was true but of course the bitch defended her friend, I wonder why she was being loyal to this backstabbing bitch.

"See mom i told you Sarah was just being angry with me and she made this whole thing up, we didn't come home together because she was still angry with me she left the house, I ran after her to meet up with her but she already took a cab and left me. The Sabrina drove me home, you guys were to busy with the noise to notice her car when she dropped me off," stella explained to my mom.

" You're so good in lying, what do i have to say no one ever believes me or stood up for me in this house anyway what was i expecting for y'all to believe me over Stella impossible," I said to them with tears spilling out of my eyes then I ran into my room and locked the door.

Mom came after me asking me to open the door but I refused, dad asked her to let me be and I could hear him whispering to mom to let me and Stella solve the problem going on between us and for her not to butt in because it looks like we weren't going to tell them what was going on.

Mom seems to be calm with that and i think she left because i wasn't hearing any whispering and there was no more banging coming from my door.

Peace at last I lay on my bed with my earphones plugged into my ears and I slept off.


Stella's POV

When i got home there was a lot going on because of Sarah, I didn't blame Sarah for turning out this way but this was much, I know my action toward Jamal made her cold-hearted to me but I didn't mean to hurt her and she was taking this whole issue too high Because she was bringing it to cause trouble in my family.

I need to have a talk with her, so i could try to explain things to her but she wasn't giving me the chance to she didn't want to hear anything from me claiming to be a lying bitch.

The sound of my phone interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Hello i said over the phone when i picked the call.

"Hey princess, how are you doing, is everything alright?" I guess you Know who it was, it was Justin he was calling to check up on me like he promised.

" Sarah almost caused a big problem between me and my parents when i got home," i said to him and explained all the incident that happened earlier.

" I don't know why she's becoming more harsh on me, and the worst part is she isn't giving me the chance to explain myself or even apologize to her," I said to him feeling frustrated about this whole issue.

"Calm down princess, I Know things are getting between you and your sister but you don't have to give up on her just now, who told you it wasn't going to be tough to resolve this issue with your sister, it will but you've to keep trying every little thing you do in trying to get back to her matters Because she will surely get soften with all those good gestures you keep showing to her. And don't you say she isn't giving you the chance to talk to her create a chance for yourself to apologize to her," Justin said to me.

Wow he was good at giving great advice, why didn't i get to have someone like him in my life for long.

"Thanks Justin, I'll do as you say. I'll have to talk to Sarah and she will listen either she like it or not, she would have to listen to me and I must say you're good in give great advice," I said to him while smiling even if he couldn't see the smile on my lips over the phone.

" Ah thank for the compliment I got it from my dad, he was a good adviser, when I was having troubles in life I always run to him because he always had a good way of making things better with words though he could be annoying sometimes but i loved him a lot, Jeffery always wonder how i get along with him because if you didn't know, he and Jeffery never get along they were always on each other tails, Jeffery had the stubborn attitude of my dad so they couldn't stand each other, but I was more tolerant to people's attitude I got that from my mom," Justin said to me.

We kept on talking for a while laughing whenever one of us said something for funny, justin was a crackhead. I was loving every side of him with just the few days we had begun to know each other, he told me a lot about himself and I told him about mine, we were becoming really good friends and I was scared for a while not to make the same mistake Sarah made by falling in love.

Anyway after the call with Justin, I felt more courageous to talk to Sarah and apologize for my wrong deed, even if she wasn't going to listen, I was still going to explain to her no matter what, I said to myself with determination to carry out my plan as soon as she was out of the house..


Hey, a new chapter here, who's loving the new btichy side of Sarah as for me, I'm not and I can't wait for them to become good strong sisters again and do you think Stella's plan of talking to Sarah would work out? Will Sarah listen to her .... We will find out in the next chapter don't forget to vote and comment, bye bye ❤️

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