C H A P T E R 3

182 46 15

"Where is my daughter?" the wife asked to her husband--who is carrying their child.

"What do you mean?" he asked, confused as he slowly sway his body to keep the baby sleeping.

"Yah jagi. Where's my baby?" she repeated. The man furrowed, completely confused. Is she joking?
He asked to himself. [jagi - darling]

"I am carrying her" He firmly said, annoyance is already evident. It's his wife's turn to furrow now. She cannot see anything on his arms, unlike her husband do.

"I-I can't see anything" she mumbled. A bit scared. "y-yah stop joking around. It's not funny. Where's my daughter?" she repeated slowly walking nearer to her husband.

"Didn't I told you I am carrying her right now!?" He blurted. The baby then started crying.

"N-Neo micheosso?" [are you crazy?]
She stepped backwards, scared of how her husband just acted.

He started panicking as he witness how his wife got scared. The baby kept on crying on his arms but she doesn't seem to see it. It wasn't a joke, she's not joking. W-what is this?

"C-can't you see h-her?" he asked once again. Clearly pushing the thought at the back of his mind.
His wife started crying.

"What do you mean!!! I can't see anything!!!" she shouted in vexation.

"she's here j-jagi. I am carrying our daughter---"

"Don't come near me!!! Have you gone crazy?" the atmosphere suddenly changed. Cold air suddenly enveloped their home. Shiver went down his spine as someone familiar appeared next to his wife.

It was the Deity. He gulped as she grinned. He stepped backwards hugging his still crying daughter. Nothing can be heard aside from the new born's cry.

"How's my curse so far?" the Deity asked. He was confused. He couldn't speak as the Deity started walking around their home. Unlike on his view, the wife couldn't see anything but him... acting extremely strange.

"what are y-you?" he managed to utter, scared. His wife's eye widened in shock when he started talking, but not to her. She tried to trace the path of his husband's gaze, but couldn't see anything.

"You should've asked me that before you played with my heart"

"I-I told you we're over!!" He's so close to losing his mind by what he's seeing.

"Jae Hyul!!! Bwonangeoya !!!!"
[what the hell are you doing?]
the wife shouted to him, terrified of what she's seeing as well.

"You see, I placed your poor daughter under a curse. So from now on, your wife can't see her anymore. She'll probably think you're crazy right now, and will eventually turn her back on you...like how you did to me" the Deity said along with a devilish laugh.
"That is what we call, a taste of your own medicine"

Just like what the Deity swore, his wife left her. Thinking that he was indeed crazy. Their relationship ended just like that. The Deity succeeded, she was happy as she watched how the two of them suffered from what she did.

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