C H A P T E R 1 4

104 32 0

Sehun's POV.

"Can you atleast drive a bit slower?" I asked. We're currently on her car, going to her old home or what she call a castle. She asked me to help her to pack her other things to bring to the condo I gave her. I have nothing to do anyway since it's Sunday and it's our rest day, so I decided to just help her.

"Alright~" she said, but her pace didn't even changed. I sighed in defeat. I noticed something on the backseat through the rearview mirror. I look over my shoulder to confirm if what I saw was right.
My eyes widened. It was indeed a freaking shotgun!

"W-why do you have a shotgun in here?" I asked facing her. She casted me a sidelong glance as she smiled sheepishly.

"Oh right! I forgot about that. I'll sell it, that looked pretty expensive. I'll earn a lot on that" she happily said, leaving me speechless. I shook my head in disbelief. She really is the strangest of them all.

We spent a week with her, she's just like a normal human being--despite of her mild perversions. It's uncanny how quickly the hyungs got along with her. They all liked her that I'm starting to think that they forgot that me and her is just a show. I also found myself quietly enjoying her company. I am being more and more comfortable around her. She's unbelievably playful and all, something I didn't expect for woman like her.

I always have to remind myself that our relationship was all fake. I am starting to grow something inside me, which I still couldn't name...but I perfectly know what it is.

"Sehun...for how long I'll pretend as your girlfriend?" I glanced at her, when she asked that. I couldn't answer her, since I myself don't know.

"I don't know" I admitted.

"hmm...is that so?" she glanced at me. "I don't mind being your girlfriend for a long time anyway. You guys are so fun to be with. And also the condo looked great and expensive so let's continue the show 'till you need me. So that I could repay you just enough"

Everything is really just a show Sehun. Don't you dare forget that.

"right. You should pay me enough, until my father drop the wedding"
I said. I stared at her face as she focused her eyes on the road.

"You know what. Let's just make that Hye Sun drop the wedding herself" She suddenly said. I unconsciously smile upon hearing her suggestion. She glanced at me and wink. "You can count on me in that." she said playfully.

After few minutes of her driving like some kind of racer, we finally reached our destination. My jaw dropped in disbelief as she parked in front of indeed a huge castle!

"Goddamit. You really lived in a castle?" I breathed in disbelief as I stepped out of her car. Only to be greeted by 7 more cars being parked at the side of the castle.

"You never believe me aren't you?" she said as she playfully pushed me behind towards the huge door. She handed me the key, ordering me to open the door for her. I took it and do as told. I can't help but look around in awe as she headed straight inside.

I looked at the cars once again before I set my foot inside. Damn! She has a lot of cars yet she's acting like someone who's struggling to have money!? She's really unbelievably unbelievable.

This place really looks like those castles on Disney movies. But this one looked so dusty and dark. This could pass as a cursed castle.

"Sehun! just wait for me there! I'll be quick!" She shouted from the second floor. I went to the living room. Everything is just so vintage. This place looked like it wasn't cleaned for ages. I stopped in front of a glass cabinet where a picture frame is resting. It was a girl and her father.
This is Amara, I am sure of that. But her smile here is far way too different from the smile she's showing me everytime.

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