C H A P T E R 8

120 37 4

Bela Amara's POV.

"aaaaaaah~~ this is so good!"
I shouted as I hug the soft pillow. This room is really just my type! Sehun is indeed as wealthy as hell! He gave me one of the condo unit on his building.
I heard that this freaking huge building is under his name. I see! That's why he immediately handed me the card. Oh gosh I should stay on his good side. He's rich I should take advantage of that.

I look around for almost the hundredth time already. He even gave me one of the vip rooms. This room has its own kitchen, bathroom and living room. It's pretty huge for one person but I love it! Aaaahk! Atleast I won't have to live on that castle again.
Majority of the furnitures here are well modernized. The main color is yellow and the accents are white and black. Elegant enough for my taste.

I threw myself back on the bed and stare at the black ceiling as I recall the agreement that we had.

"Let's talk" he said then drag me towards a silent hallway again. He sure likes to converse on a huge silent place.

"This practically means you'll buy me a condo now?" I asked as soon as he stopped walking. He turned to face me, still not letting go of my wrist.
"I knew it you really need me"

"I have no other choice" he said in a low voice. I lifted my hand which he's holding. He scratched his nape before letting me go.

"You made the right choice then!" I said cheerfully. I kept on smiling on his face but all he did was frown. His annoyingly thick eyebrows are perfectly arched again. "I am your girlfriend now right? That's what you need at the moment. You want someone to threw that lady out of your way. Is that it?" I blabbered, he remained silent staring at my face.
"I can perfectly do that. That's too easy. Just call me whenever you need---"

"You didn't even answered my calls a while ago" ah so he can talk now... he holds grudges aren't he?

"ah that. I was looking for my phone since the morning and it was on silent so yeah... I'm sorry for that" his frown softened as I explained. "Hey did you just rolled your eyes on me again!?" I said pointing at his face. He's a brat!
He avoided my gaze. Is he gay!?!?!
"anyways!! Will you buy me a condo now?" He abruptly turned his gaze back to me.

"Listen to me first" I nodded as I focus my attention to him. "I only need you for a couple of months.
So I'll just let you borrow one of the condo unit----"

"borrow!? Didn't I told you to buy me one! ugh you liar I don't want this deal then anymore" I crossed my arms across my shoulder as I turn my back on him. "Find another girl!"

"Araseo! Araseo! I'll give you one!" he immediately shouted in defeat. I smirked before turning to face him again. "But you need to answer all my calls. You need to be with me as soon as I called you. You will do everything I order you to. You will listen well to me---"

"wait! Why do you have so many rules!"

"ofcourse! Do you think I trust you already!? We need to have a clear agreement!" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Okay, I'll be there right away if you need me. Okay? but I can't promise to obey you obediently. I am a well grown woman and no man can just order me around."
He always looked pissed. What is his problem? He always looked mad. Damn if only he's not rich I won't withstand that attitude. "and since you have rules might as well make my own too. First, if you want everything to be fine... don't make me meet your parents" he frowned harder, ready to rebut again.

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