World Tournament: Jackson Vs Katsuki and Vegitto vs The Supreme Kai!!

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3rd Person POV

As the Pelminary's began the first round was Jackson vs Katsuki which was just perfect for our hero as he can finally get some payback for all that bullying he did to him in and out of school! As they walked to the middle of the Fighting Field as the announcer started naming out the rules!

Announcer: "Alright! Now it's time for the initial round of the World tournament to begin!!! Let's begin!!!"

Katsuki then Began charging at him and Tried punching him but just like Vegitto before him, he simply blocked every explosive punch he threw at him making him look like an absolute chump by comparison as Katsuki grew more and More Pissed!

Katsuki then Began charging at him and Tried punching him but just like Vegitto before him, he simply blocked every explosive punch he threw at him making him look like an absolute chump by comparison as Katsuki grew more and More Pissed!

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Jackson: "What? You going soft on my kamikaze Boy? You must be going soft on me to make it this easy!"


Katsuki then firing more powerful punches as he simply switched tactics from blocking to Doding as he simply dodged every blow he threw at him with relative easy!

Katsuki then firing more powerful punches as he simply switched tactics from blocking to Doding as he simply dodged every blow he threw at him with relative easy!

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Jackson: "Wow did things just get easier? I think they Just did! Wow! This is too easy!"

Katsuki: "SHUT UP!!!"

He then spinned around behind Katsuki putting his back behind him as Katsuki came charging trying to punch him but he stopped him and and put his hand to his forehead flicking it sending him flying nearly off the platform which would make him lose!

He then spinned around behind Katsuki putting his back behind him as Katsuki came charging trying to punch him but he stopped him and and put his hand to his forehead flicking it sending him flying nearly off the platform which would make him lose!

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Jackson: "Give up Katsuki. Your not gonna win. Your too weak.

Katsuki: "Too weak!? TOO WEAK!? I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

He continued fighting him trying to attack him from behind and with Jackson seeing it coming he landed several blows on Katsuki almost knocking him out of the ring again by appearing behind him!

He continued fighting him trying to attack him from behind and with Jackson seeing it coming he landed several blows on Katsuki almost knocking him out of the ring again by appearing behind him!

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Katsuki: "I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

Katsuki charged again and Jackson seeing it coming again and their fists clash in a massive explosion!

Katsuki charged again and Jackson seeing it coming again and their fists clash in a massive explosion!

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Jackson: "You ready to give up?"

Katsuki: "NEVER!!!"

Jackson: "Fine then. Super Saiyan 1 It is then."

Katsuki: "Super- what!?"

He then goes SSJ1 And the entire tournament was shocked by his raw power even including The supreme Kai and Kibito!

Katsuki: "W-What!?"

He then Threw Katsuki off him as He charged at him and continued to punch him with absolutely not effect!

To compliment his arrogance he grabbed Katsuki by the leg and Lifted him up leaving his manhood exposed as he punched it so hard it caused him to scream as he threw him out of the Arena!

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To compliment his arrogance he grabbed Katsuki by the leg and Lifted him up leaving his manhood exposed as he punched it so hard it caused him to scream as he threw him out of the Arena!

To compliment his arrogance he grabbed Katsuki by the leg and Lifted him up leaving his manhood exposed as he punched it so hard it caused him to scream as he threw him out of the Arena!

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The Announcer called that a Victory and Jackson won the prelminaries! Yay!!!

Katsuki: "D-Damnit...!"


Much later into the tournement Vegitto was in a Blade duel with the Supreme Kai with Ki Blades and Vegitto won by pushing him out of the Platform by poking him in the chest like somekind of Fencing match!

Vegitto then won that round and as they crowed cheered! They both walked back to the Seating and sat down next to eachother as The supreme Kai began speaking.

Supreme Kai: "I'm actually really impressed."

Vegitto: "By me?"

Supreme: "No By Your boyfriend. He is the perfect specimen of Saiyan Kind. He my not look it most of the time but he is. I don't know what Shenron did to him but he is amazing. My advice is that to keep him and Train him. Hey may come in handy some day."

Vegitto: "Trust me he already makes me and Gogita feel like the two luckiest women in the world all of the time."

To Be Continued...

The Reincarnated Teen Saiyan!! (Teen OC X Fem Gogeta X Fem Vegito)Where stories live. Discover now