~chapter three~

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Jessica's POV 😊

"What's with the really visible dark circles?!"

I give her a glance

"Eat your lunch Lia" I reply before I drop my eyes back to my food. I lost my appetite, if there is anything I badly want to do is sleep.

I had a terrible day so far mostly caused by my freaking eyes which badly want to close no matter what my brain is telling them.

Currently I'm with Lia and it's lunch break, so we're sitting across each other on our usual table in the school cafeteria.

And as usual Lia is bugging me with questions.

"And isn't it too hot to be wearing a hoodie"

There she goes again

She's right thou,it's actually pretty hot and sincerely, I am really really really like really burning underneath my hoodie but I have to keep a straight face so that Lia can't ask more murderous questions than this.

"Oh is it?!...I, I didn't notice because I um...I'm really feeling cold today" I lie, keeping the best serious face I can master

Lia rises an eyebrow, oh no that's not a good sign at all. That's one of her 'I wasn't born last night' kinda look.

I fake shiver to emphasize my point,

"man isn't it cold out here" I say, with I sly smile.

"You are a terrible liar" she says still holding that look of hers.

I sigh. This is Lia the most genius person I know thou it doesn't need a genius to discover I'm lying, I'm a terrible liar...I watch her as she drops her spoon to her plate and then she looks at me keenly.

"What happened!" She asks not bothering to look away from me

"The usual Lia...nothing to worry about" I reply, dropping my spoon too to my plate and then leaning on my chair in a relaxing manner, you know like everything is okay.

"What usual?!" She says, air quoting the word usual.

I groan,"urgggh!, Lia I don't really wanna talk about it... let's just eat lunch without 'the talk'"

"Right, right....if u don't wanna talk about it, maybe u just have to show me" she says, I frown

"What?!" I ask, totally confused here...what is she insinuating exactly,

Before I knew it, Lia is all over me holding my hoodie.

"Lia, what the hell-"

"Shit!! Jess what's this hand mark on your cheek?!" She interrupts me

So unfortunately, Lia had pulled my hoodie down revealing the cheek that got marked. U know, step mom's slap this morning was classic it left a mark and I was literally forced to wear a hood in order to hide it.

Clearing throat, I pull my hoodie back up and straightening my long waist length hair to carefully hide my cheek mark.

"it's nothing I can't handle" I reply with a smile only to receive an eye roll.

Lia is my best friend and no one knows what I'm going through except her, probably and Ashley and maybe Ashley told her popular group of friends about it...well I don't know, but they don't seem to care anyway.

"Jess" Lia calls my name to get my attention, I look at her.

"What are friends for?!" she asks giving me that one look

Oh noo, I think I know where this is going. You see Lia doesn't like the fact that my life is terrible around the two muskerteers, so she's always and I mean always,always proposing that I go live with her, something which is possible and Impossible at the same time.

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