Freddie: Greetings, people of the Internet! This is Freddie and Georgie reporting. We know this account belongs to Tom who is currently taking a slash and-
Georgie: Just to let you guys know we're Brits which mean we're insanely hott as the sun! And slash basically means that Tom is taking a piss.
Freddie: You just think you're hot because of all your ridiculous color streaks.
Georgie: Just ignore him, his just jealous of my sexayy platinum blond hair with all my sexayy pink streaks while he just has brown hair!
Freddie: Are you gay? Anyways, back to the point we have decided to 'hijack' our friend tom's account and kinda make a blog thingy and kinda right down our conversations. And I also bet that you guys are having a Weasley moment cause of our names and our best friendiness.
Georgie: Why don't you say relationship?
Freddie: ...? No comment
Georgie: You dick! Are you ashamed of our relationship!? Did last night mean nothing to you?!
Freddie: Last night you were having a movie marathon with Clair (tom's older sister whose like twenty or something).
Georgie: Shes hott
Freddie: Get ready to get strangled mate and stop bloody changing the subject! Back on track, the both of us are in English, in the library and we're meant to be doing some shit dialogue but Tommy boy here was on wattpad and talking to his lady friend Jazz whose user is- wait no maybe I shouldn't.
Georgie: I think Tom is taking a dump.
Freddie: Why must you think about these things?
Georgie: Well us men only have to aim and-
Freddie: Enough!! I think wattpad's audience is mainly female and do not want to know the details! Once again back to the point, Tom was talking to his lady friend Jazz who he meet while he was in Australia who is a friend of his mother's friend's daughter whose name is Lian and that is how he and Jazz meet.
Georgie: You lost me. But forget what the dickward says, it seems as if I'm wrong cause I can see Tom back talking to Rian at the door and basically we have to sign off soon! Nice meeting you all! Please vote and review or whatever it is you do on wattpad and we'll be back on soon hopefully...
Freddie: Signing off ladies and gentlemen!! And we will hopefully see I mean talk to you soon!