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Her name is Astra
Do you wanna know where is she?
Just look at the stars
And you would see her mentally

She's a girl who loves astronomy
Neither philosophy, nor geography
Seeing the moon and stars
Will always be her remedy

Her name is Astra
And she's always sad
But everytime she hears about moon
Her melancholy would disappear soon

Evey night, she would stare at the sky
Then witness the most beautiful sight
And everytime she's not alright
She would wait for the stars to show up their light

Her name is Astra
Reaching the sky is her dream
To touch the stars became her goal
And the vast universe owns her soul

She's busy reaching for the star
While I'm busy reaching her from afar
Astra, I admire your love for astronomy
But you never know I'm admiring you too secretly

You're too focused on the constellation
That you failed to give me your attention
Your eyes were fixed to the sky
That even my smile didn't catch your eye.

I want you to stare at me too
Like how you stare at the moon
I want you to fall in love with me
But the universe is my greatest enemy

Her name is Astra
And she loves astronomy
I wish our love story will start
But the universe already owned her heart.

Midnight PoetriesWhere stories live. Discover now