Ch. 15 One step closer

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Sleep wasn't my friend last night. Tossing and turning was my best friend and the clock was my enemy. I have never had a night where I literally couldn't sleep.

When I finally did sleep, it was after five and I have an hour to wake up. That didn't go too well because my mom decided to come in and make so much noise. She pulled the blanket off of me to leave me shivering in the coldness of my room and she even threatened to pour water on me if I didn't get up in the next fifteen minutes.

The morning was hell. My mom was very suspicious of my action throughout breakfast. I could tell her that my sleep wasn't good last night but then she would ask questions regarding why I think I didn't sleep well.

I couldn't tell her that Miss Minatozaki, my teacher, was keeping me from closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

What happened yesterday with Miss Minatozaki was keeping me awake last night. The thought of her face in the back of my mind was keeping me from sleeping. Her voice was keeping me awake. Her eyes were keeping me awake.

Oh shit.

"Tzuyu, honey? Are you ok?"

Looking up at my mom as she was staring at me, I nodded then looked over to see Raven watching me with a confused look on his face.

"I'm fine." I cut into my pancake before taking a bite so I wouldn't be able to speak to them any longer.

After breakfast was over, I looked at the watch on my wrist and saw that it was time to leave. Mom was giving our free hugs and kisses as we walked out of the kitchen.

Hugging her back, she told us to be good and have a great day.

Getting into my car, I started it up then placed the seat belt over my chest. Raven did the same then I backed out of the garage.

"How's Chloe?" I ask once we were on the main road.

Raven looks up from his phone then nods. "We talk a little bit. I don't really think she likes me though."

"Have you tried talking to her?"

"And say what?" He asks.

I look at the road then over at him. "Ask her to hang out. Get to know each other first then see what happens from there."

He looks at me before shaking his head. "You make it seem easy and it's not." He looks back at his phone. "She probably thinks I'm a spoiled rich kid."

"You are."

Looking ahead with a blank expression, he looks over at me with an unamused look on his face. "You know what I meant. I'm not like the other rich kids. I'm not mean. I'm not ungrateful to everyone else."

"Then show her that." I say. "Make her see that you're different. Talk to her, dude."

He sighs then leans his head against the seat. "I'll try."

I pat his chest as we were pulling into the school parking lot. I saw Hanbin standing next to his truck as always.

Parking into my spot, I told Raven bye as he left and walked with his friends that we were walking towards the friends.

Getting out, I was more than tired. I didn't even want to be here today. I should of stayed home and faked my own sickness.

Or death.

"You look.. beautiful as always but always tired."

Sighing, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and looked towards the school. "These next two months are killing me."

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