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So me and Nash finally left jacks house, i didnt talk to Nash the whole ride home. (Y/n) please talk to me he says. Nash i forgive you okay?! He says you promise? I say yes I promise. It was about 7:00 by the time me and Nash got to his house. So i went up stairs and changed into nash's long RVCA shirt, i layed in his bed thinking to my self about everything, just as we heard the doorbell. Nash was in the bathroom so he yelled from inside the bathroom (y/n) get it please! I laughed and went to the door. I opened it, oh sammy?! Hey how are you?!

He pulls me into a hug really quick. I could hear his heartbeat, beat really fast so i knew something was up. Sammy is anything wrong? He takes me intothe living room. He starts to tear up, i pull him into a hug. Sammy please tell me whats wrong,he says its jack j. What about him i ask? H-he... HE WHAT! I say making him flintch a little bit, i say in a down/soft tone im sorry.

He got in a really bad car accident! I look down about to bawl my eyes out. (Y/n) every one is just histarical at jacks g house. Well..?! I need to go see him at the hospital. Okay well he just got there so its going to take a while sammy said. Whatever it takes... I say

Sammy asks where nash was, i say he is in the bath room. We both here him yell im in here!!we both chuckle a little bit. Hurry up Nash sammy says. So he gets out with his pants down, i cover my eyes Nash!!! I yell, sammy and nash laugh hard. You guys r weirdos i say.

Why have you been crying mash asks pulling his pants up, johnson is in the hospital i say getting teary eyes. WHAT!! Why?!?! He asked, he-sammy interupted me so it could be said faster, because he got into a car accident and now we have to get to the hospital, we all run to sammys car. We were are silent on the ride over to the hospital.
We all walk up to the front desk, hello the lady says she had dark brown/blackish hair, with blue eyes.
Nash asks which room is johnson in? Asking as if she knew who he was just by his last name, i beg your pardon? "Jack johnson" Nash says. I look over to Nash then to Sammy. Ohhh ya he is in room 104 on the 3rd floor, thank you nash said in kinda an annoyed voice, Nash tone it down a bit sammy told him.

I cant fucking help it Sam! Okay sorry man. No im sorry, you shouldnt be sorry i was a little harsh. Sammy smiled at Nash witch made me make half of a smile. We eventually got to johnsons room, jack g had looked like he totally balled his eyes out. He looked up at me and got up, he hugged me really tight. Hey baby i "said" are you okay?! I asked better now that your here with me. I smiled and sat down on his lap and snuggled my face into his neck. He grabbed my waist to make me feel more comfortable on his lap.

So we waited till jack j woke up. I felt jack g move a little witch made me look up. We both saw jack j start to wake up. I got up so jack g could get up, but he never did get up so i eventually sat back down on his lap. Jack j saw everyone in the room and had a big smile on his face. How ya feelin bro, jack g said. Im feeling better than when i was feeling before he chuckled but no body else chuckled.

He looked at me hey (y/n) i waved. The nurse came in okay its time for his parents to come in, and all visitors can get out, i looked at her annoyed as the tone she had in her voice when she said that to all of us. She was pretty young about her early 20's
And i noticed that she was checking out jack g so i pulled his shirt so his lips pressed into mine and the nurse looked discusted but eventually stopped looking at him. Well then he said smiling into my eyes.

When we all got out of the room the nurse said you guys can sit down over here. I said thank you, she nodded, i shared a seat with jack and layed on his chest. When she was walking away she winked at jack. She didnt notice that is saw her doing it cause you know when you have your eyes look like they are closed but you can still see through them but nobody knows thats what i was doing. So jack saw me spring up and clentch my jaw, baby chill he said i looked over at him. No i said as i walked over to her desk, Nash asked jack g what i was doing, idk man jack g replied back. Now you listen here i dont give a shit who you are!! But when it comes to my boyfriend i aint likin it!!! Okay little girl! She says i was talking to your precious little boyfriend, he said he only is dating you cause he feels sorry for you, my eyes widened. *i think to my self dont it* but i end up slapping her right across the face, the boys came running over here. Whats going on here Nash replied. Tell your dirty little girlfriend to keep her hands off me. I looked her strait in the eye, jack pulled me away, and gave me to Nash. (Y/n) what did she do to make you slap her?! she talked trash about me and jack, ohh Nash said. YEAHHH!! I say back to him. Lets just go back to my place for now, i nodd my head.

Bye baby, jack says to me bye i say back kissing him then he kissed me on my head. Nash can we go get something to eat im starving and i know we have spent a lot of time together i just want to be alone with you for a little bit i say. You alright he says putting his hand on my thigh patting it little bit. Yeah im fine i just want to get out of the house for a little. Yeah sure! He says wanna go to the mall too? "He asked" because i need to go get something and il pay for you. Haha idk nash i would want a lot of things. Thats alright il do it because thats just how much i love you he smiles. I smile back with my teeth.

As we arrive to the mall i could already tell that there were girls staring at us. (Y/n) wanna go eat at the food court real quick? I nodded. Hey dont worry one bit. I bit my lip then said thank you Nash. No problem he says. When we arrive to the food court there were 7 girls screaming trying to take a picture with Nash. I sit in a chair next to a table waiting for nash to finish. Who are you this one girl says. I look into her eyes mischievously and say im nash's best friend. Oh hi she says, i smile at her.

I finally see Nash come back to the table, hey (y/n) Nash says. Hi i say back. Want panda? He asks. Nash? I ask him what? He replies im not really hungry anymore i say. Oh okay then lets just go buy stuff then he says and laughs, i laugh too.

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