Ashley The Smoking Car - Part 2 - My Dream train

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There he was.

"Bobo?" I gasped
"You know who I am?" Bobo replied.
He looked surprised, then he chuckled.
"You're the coach who watches the racing! Left stand, am I right?"
"H-how did you know?"
"Well you're there almost every race, and that stand isn't supposed to have coaches in, so you're hard to miss."

Of course! I thought, that's why there's no coaches on the left stand! How stupid of me!

"I - I wasn't aware, nobody told me!"
I exclaimed, embarrassed.
"It's alright, at least now you know."

We both stood awkwardly.

"so - uh" Bobo started, "Do you want to have a round of the track with me? I need to let off some steam anyway."
I looked at him in disbelief. Me?
THE Bobo was asking lil old me if i wanted to race?
"YES! Uh - I mean, yea, that sounds cool,"
Bobo chuckled again and we coupled up.
"Ready?" he asked.
I nodded.
"Off we go then!" and he took off, with me behind him!
I couldn't quite register what was happening - he was so close, and he was a brilliant racer.
I loved the feel of the wind in my hair and the clacking of the tracks.

After that evening, Bobo and I began hanging out, he took me to all sorts of places.
And then finally, he asked if I would be his race partner, and his girl.
I agreed happily and since then, we have been inseparable.
I love my French train, my dear Bobo and he loved me.

Until that fateful final.....

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