Ashley The Smoking Car - Part 6 - Picnic

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It had been three months since the race and I was finally healing.
I've become way closer to the girls,
They helped me through everything.
Dinah and I have a special connection,
We are at the yard the most, smoking cars are getting less and less,
So I don't go out as much.
Dinah stays with Greaseball a lot.
He actually apologised to me!
I was angry at first but he was a changed man, so I accepted.


So here I am.
Sitting in a field with Dinah and Greaseball,
Eating a picnic (made by Dinah)

"These sandwiches are somethin' else Di, I dunno how you do it,"
Greaseball commented, stuffing another chicken sandwich in his mouth.
Dinah chuckled
"Only the best for my boo boo!"
I sighed as the happy couple began feeding each other sandwiches.
They were so cute together, if only Bobo was here as well, we could -
My heart gave a pang of sadness.
"Are you ok Ashley hon? You've been awfully quiet"
Dinah asked me.
"yea..." I replied "I just.... I miss him,"
Greaseball looked at me sympathetically and Dinah gave me a hug.
Greaseball knows it's his fault, but as I said, he's a changed man, I could never blame him properly.

I put on a smile and got up.
"The picnic was amazing Dinah! But I have a run this afternoon, I should hurry and get ready!"
They nodded and watched me skate away.
"Will she be alright Di?"
"I hope so..."

I know I haven't updated in ages, but I didn't really know what to write, so this is a bit of a fill in chapter, there will be more action in the next one I promise. I know what I want to happen though, it is planned out.
I'm also planning some new stories
'Daughters of Death' and
Daughters of death is pretty self explanatory and unbreakable is going to be about a 13 year old girl in the first world war.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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