Three: Get Over Yourself

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Ugh another morning

I pull myself up and get dressed into some cargo trousers that had paint white over them with a long sleeve shirt and my body harness piece, along with my thigh harness feeling like a bad ass as I pull on my docs

I pull up to school seeing harry clamber out of the car with 4 other people I've seen too many times, he looks over at me as I tuck my keys into a side pocket and put my bag on my back. I give a slight wave but he just looks away and keeps walking not even acknowledging me, I feel like rolling my eyes but dont for sake of not being petty

I walked to art taking putting my bag on the floor and finding my sketchbook, because we are working along side the other class for partners harry is as much as my partner as I am his which I still dont know how to feel about

"Has harry started his technology piece?" Miss clark asked standing in front of me with her arms
"I dont know, has he not been in class?"
"No not yesterday i was wondering how it went"
"It was great, we got some solid ideas down for him and but he left sort of suddenly" I kept a frown on my face
"Dont forget his grade matters as much as your grades do" she sighs probably regretting her decision
"I know where he is, may I?" I say already gathering my things, I wasn't going to listen but i respected her too much not to ask
"You're the only one he'll listen to" was all she said so I took it as a yes and left the room

I remember coming in late and having to cut behind the humanities building seeing his friends all hanging out there, rushing as much as I could to get there quickly Andddd I was correct there were all 5 of them chilling behind the humanities block, one of them saw me coming and then then were all soong looking at me
"Harry I need to talk to you" i say sternly
"No" he mumbled not looking up at me, the smell of cheap cigarettes being blown in my direction from one of the guys

"That wasn't a question. It was an instruction" he finally looked up at me and my fight or flight instinct kicked in immediately
"Oooo" I hear a couple of them say with a smug tone
"Now." I say again bluntly, he sighed and picked up his bag putting his phone into a back pocket

"You gonna let her boss you around like that" one of them said, I didnt look back we just walked out of ear shot and view from them
"You do realise skipping classes fucks with my grades as much as it does yours. I get the whole moving and new school but this year is important to me it might not be to you but-"
"Fine I'll go to class" he cuts me off before going to turn away

"No I'm not done." I grab his arm and a wave of regret washed over me making me let go as if I had been shocked by static
"Dont touch me" he said lowly
"Get over yourself. I'm not gonna let this sink easily and you're coming down with me. Be at my house at 6 or I swear to God-"
"Okay. You got your point across" that was the last thing he said before walking away


I got home and I was just pissed off, I throw my bag on the floor storming into the kitch
"Woah, you are giving off hostile vibes what's wrong" she was making dinner when I huffed down into the breakfast bar stool

"Fucking harry, hes already blowing off school and if he fails i fail. I am not going to fail this fucking year I've worked too hard for a man-"
"Woah woah" she cut me off, I notice her putting the kettle on "it's okay, you won't fail you've been at school 3 days"
"History is off the table so art, english and psychology have to be 100s" I run my hands through my hair
"Go have a shower, dinner isnt going to be for half an hour yet chill out"

I did as she said, drying my hair after I had eaten doing my eyebrows so I didnt look bare faced when harry got here I pull my hair back and get everything set up

I kept glancing at the clock as 6 passed and every minute felt like hours
"What a prick" I mumbled finally going to the stairs about to give up on him when there was a knock on the door
"Hey harry" rosemary answered the door as I slowly made my way downstairs "Come in dear" she smiled, he didnt really say much

He looked disheveled and smelt of a sweet cheap perfume
"I'm all set upstairs" I say blankly, he follows me up but i needed to grab something i forgot "go into the studio, I'll be there in a second" I go into my room and grab a couple of things, I have an idea and I don't think he will want to do it but he owes me it

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to turn up" I mumbled as I put everything on my desk to try and slice the deadening silence
"Sorry, I lost track of time" he said quietly sat on the desk chair
"Its fine, I need you to take your jacket off" he does as I say and I pick up my eyeliner turning towards him

"Woah" he grabbed my wrist and moved back, i dropped my shoulders and give him a 'really' look
"Its only a little makeup, its not going to kill you"
"Yeah I dont feel like getting bullied thanks" he let go of me and I dropped my hand to my side
"I have makeup wipes, is your masculinity that fucking fragile" I hiss putting the pencil down on the desk "this painting needs to be in by monday. Do it or get out of my house and I will just do the idea on my own" I was reaching the end of my patience with him

"Knock knock" rosemary came in and i saw what she was holding, "I just need to do something" a lavender and rosemary smudge stick she walked around us and cleansed the room then left again

I open the window and balcony door, it let in a cold chill but sometimes the smudge sticks give me headaches
"Fine, just do it" he huffed sitting back with crossed arms. I stand between his legs slightly with one hand on his forehead as I fill in his eyebrows slightly just where needed defining the shape
"Close your eyes please" I say concentrating, I place a burnt red brown colour on his lid and add some mascara "you have some beautiful lashes" I take a step back and frown something isn't right, I add some smokey eyeliner and he pulls down his hair

I haven't seen it down get because it was always back in a bun, I smile to myself "wait" I leave the room and grab my big leather jacket rushing back
"Here take off your shirt put this on, it's cold" I turn away and act busy so it wasnt awkward
"I'm done" I turn back around and smile seeing it come together

He knew how to work the androgynous look and I took as many photos as I could so I could get started on it, I didnt want him in the room longer then needed I started transferring everything to my laptop as he was taking off the makeup
"Need any help?" I say not looking up at him
"Um yes please" he says quietly he had mascara and eyeliner around his eyes like a racoon
"Here" I pull out a fresh wipe and he closes his eyes, i stand on my tiptoes to reach "rub gently, then look up...just like that" I run it under his bottom lashline taking away any makeup then do his other eye

"Thank you" he mumbled, he seemed less cold but still quiet maybe that's just who he was
"I'm dropping history so I'll be in your class more" i say to fill the silence
"Okay," he pulled his hair back up and gathered his stuff . He soon left in the same manner as before I packed everything up and went to bed

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