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Long time ago, about 1 million years ago....
There was a forest, where mythical creatures roamed.
There we're dragons flying in the skies with unicorns.
And fairies lives happily with the animals.
And then on that day...
A human met a dragon and became friends.
April 12, 1572
12:03 AM
Wylmond, London
In the forest......
Great great great grandpa Vwalt* (12 years old)'s POV
I walked around in the forest. Then, I saw a human child, walking in the forest. Then, he saw me. I walked toward him. Then he tripped. The boy looked at me. The boy is scarred. And I know how that feels. If I was human and saw a mythical creature, I would get the hell out of there. Then, I lend him a paw. He touched, and grabbed, my arm. I helped him get up. "Thank you dragon." He said. He took a bow. "Y-your welcome, human." I said, nervously. Then, I saw his father came in. "YOIRK!!!!!!" He cried out, then hugging his child. "Oh thank god your sa-." He looked at me. "Uh...... hi." I said. "I helped him." His father pulled out his sword. "A-are you the king?" I asked. "Yes." He said. "I am the king. We're you trying to kill this child?" "No!" I said. "I wasn't. I was helping him." Then, he stood up, holding his child. "Well then." He said. "Thank you. But.... what's your name?" "My name is Vwalt." I replied. "What's yours?" "I am Wilton, the king of Wylmond."
And then....
5 hours later, the creatures and humans came together in the collesium.
5:03 PM
The creatures and humans are all now in one area. I"m right next to the child I helped. I waved to him. He waved back. "Ladies and gentleman." Yelled Wilton. We all went quiet. We all looked at the kings. One is human, and the other is my dad. "It is us, Wilton and Xarton." He said. "And we have an announcement to make." Said Xarton. "Humans and creatures are now making alliances together!!!!!!" They both yelled. Then, we cheered. We all cheered. I'm actually happy right now. And I'm smiling. I'm.... I'm cheering. But yeah.... what could possibly go wrong?
Then, we became friends.
We became an alliance.
We helped each others.
We saved each others.
And yeah....
It's been 15 years since the alliances began...
It became peaceful.
It was a miracle for us and for the humans.
Until one faithful day.
April 12, 1587
12:32 PM
Wylmond, London
Great great great grandpa, Vwalt (37 years old)'s POV

I kept on running. I was huffing and puffing. I heard yelling from the distance. I was running with my father. "Keep running." Said my dad. I kept on running, but I was tired. Then, I heard a gunshot from the distance. It made my heart skip a beat. I kept on running. Then, I looked over to my dad. My dad has a bleeding scar on his neck. It was there 12 minutes ago when one of those "humans" attacked him. We ran. And ran. And ran. Until, my dad stops. "Dad?" I said. My dad barfed blood. Red blood into the green grass. Then, I heard a swooping sound. It was an arrow. It hits the tree in front of me. My dad is hurt. "S-son." He said to me. "Yes, father?" I respond. "Go on w-with out m-me." He whimpered. "No." I said. "NO I CAN'T!!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE FUCKING ALONE!!!!" "I-I know." He said, with a trembling voice. "I-I'm sorry I couldn't go w-with y-you. But, I know someday in the f-future, you'll be the k-king. Just like m-me." I was crying. "Dad. D-don't.... DON'T DIE ON ME!!!!!!" I yelled. My tears are running down on my face. Then, his hand touched my right cheek. "D-don't worry." Said my father." "I'll m-meet you o-on the other s-side." Then, I felt his temperature changed. He's cold. His hand slowly falls to the ground. Then, I looked over the distance. The knights with weapons is coming closer. So, I ran. As fast as I can. Then, I fly. Fly into the night sky. I saw a lot of light under me. Torches storming into my dad's dead body. My tears are swept in the winds.
After that,
He became king.
But the king wants to find the place where mythical creatures be safe from humanity.
Then, he found it.
The island.
A peaceful island.
An island that is suitable for mythical creatures like Vwalt.
An island named Ottermiss*.
And there was a tree.
A tree Named,
"The Tree of Life."
A mythical tree.
A tree that creatures called it, "our shield."
Then, they learn how to defend them selfs.
Then, they made clans in the island.
It holds the creatures for 433 years.
Until now.....

Welcome to this brand new story, inspired, and an idea, by my good friend, ElijahCole11. And yes, he did this story a long time ago. But now, it's my turn. But beware, this story is not for the faintest hearts. This story is more than that. Its offensive, gory, and insane. Beware. But if your brave, then read on. I'll update this book as much as I can. But still, be patient for the first chapter. Patient is the key. For now. So I hope you enjoy my version. But still, go check out ElijahCole11's stories. They're awesome. Still, wait for the first chapter to come out. Be patient. It'll come. Hope you enjoy this prologue.

*i made these names up, cause I'm out of ideas to make a name for the island. Lol.

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