1. Harry? Ellie?

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“Harry! Wait for me!”

“Come on Ellie.”

I chased him around trees and in between the swings.

Slowly we stopped. I started laughing and soon fell to the ground.

“Yeah Ellie?”

“Promise you won’t leave me?”

“I promise El.”

We were 7, running around the playground.

That was 12 years ago. 12 years.

And he’s still gone.


I sat down on my bed enjoying the memory. Harry and I were  best friends. That all changed   3 years ago. Harry had auditioned for the X Factor. He promised to keep in touch, blah,blah,blah. Yeah well that didn’t happen. So now here I am sitting on my bed going over all the memories in my head.

 I’m Ellie by the way. I’m 19 and I live in Holmes Chapel, England. I guess I should inform you that I have leukemia. I was diagnosed when I was 17 and Harry still doesn’t know.

 I got up and put on my coat and walked out the door of my flat. I walked down the street to the local Starbucks. As I was walking in someone bumped into me and spilled their coffee all down the front of my coat.

“Sorry,” the raspy voice said.


“Wait.. Ellie is that you?”

“Um yeah. Well I gotta go bye.”

I hurried down the street while Harry kept calling my name. Tears were everywhere and finally a hand grabbed my wrist.

 “Harry stop! You promised! You promised you would keep in touch! I got 1 phone call. That’s all I got from you Harry. 1 stupid call. Then, you vanished. Completely. So I don’t have anything to say to you. Goodbye Harry.”

 I walked down the street back to my flat. I opened the door and sat on the couch. What a twat. What the hell was he thinking. Oh hey let me try and talk to Ellie again. Hah I don’t think so. Soon darkness fell over me and I was dreaming again.


 “Harry stop. Please.”

Harry slowed down and waited for me to catch up. We sat down on the bench and talked. He told me what it was like being famous and I told him about working at TopShop. Of course his was more interesting but oh well.

 “Can I try something Ellie?”

Soon his lips were on mine and our lips moved in sync. I pulled away and looked at him in disbelief.

 *End Dream*

 I woke up on the couch drenched with sweat. That was scary. My stomach felt weird. It almost felt like.. butterflies? No no no no. I am not falling for Harry. No he left me. He lied. Suddenly my phone went off.

From: Harry xx

Hey. I’m really sorry. Can I come over and explain?

What I did next really surprised me.

 To: Harry xx

Sure. Come over at 7. x

Seven soon rolled around and I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and revealed Harry in a white shirt and black jeans.

 "Hey El."

"It's Ellie to you." I said glaring at him.

I sat down in a chair and told him to start talking.

"Ellie it wasn't that I didn't miss you. It's management. They told me that we all had to lose contact with old friends. Something about how it will lower our popularity if someone catches us. I tried so hard to find a time when I could call you but management was always around. I;m really sorry Ellie. I really am. Please believe me."

 I looked into his eyes and saw complete sadness. 

 "Okay Harry. Okay. I missed you."

He smiled and hugged me.

Little does he know I'm still hiding the biggest secret from him.

A/N Hello lovelies! So this is my new fanfiction for my friend :) Vote and comment please! I love you all xx -Ry

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